
Does Queen Elizabeth II own the land, or does she just have say in the government ?

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Does Queen Elizabeth II own the land, or does she just have say in the government ?




  1. She has a say in the government,but she is mostly an advisor.


    "As Head of State The Queen has to remain strictly neutral with respect to political matters, unable to vote or stand for election.

    But The Queen does have important ceremonial and formal roles in relation to the Government of the UK.

    The formal phrase 'Queen in Parliament' is used to describe the British legislature, which consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Queen's duties include opening each new session of Parliament, dissolving Parliament before a general election, and approving Orders and Proclamations through the Privy Council.

    The Queen also has a close relationship with the Prime Minister, retaining the right to appoint and meet with him or her on a regular basis.

    In addition to playing a specific role in the UK Parliament based in London, The Queen has formal roles with relation to the devolved assemblies of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland."

    The Queen's role in Parliament is:

    Assenting to Bills passed by Parliament, on the advice of Ministers;

    Giving audiences to Ministers, at which Her Majesty may be consulted, encourage and warn;

    Opening each new session of Parliament;

    Proroguing or dissolving Parliament before a general election.

  2. Queen Elizabeth does not really have a say in government, but she is the official head of state, though her role nowadays is mainly a ceremonial one.  The crown does own quite a lot of land in Britain, but not all of it by any means.

  3. the queen does not own the land, she did not buy it, the land is the peoples, she can veto anything that comes through parliament, and yet we call ourselves a democracy

  4. Neither.

    The government owns it and she is the figurehead of the government.

  5. the queen gave all the income from the crown estates, this includes shops & office rents from regent street, millbank tower, &300,000 acres of farm land in 2002

  6. Neither!  under the constiturion,, the monarch must have no politics.

    The Queen is head of state, the armed forces, the police, the courts etc.  It is a way of separating the executive from the legislature.  What it means is that it does not make you a traitor or unpatriotic to disagree with the  political head of the country - (currently Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister).  

    In the US, the political head is also the head of state.  This makes for a more streamlined government, but also one which needs good clear constitutional checks.

  7. The royal family DO own a lot of land, but that is just their private land as other rich people may have private estates.  Some of their castles are owned by The State, and some are owned personally.  Who pays for what, and who pays taxes, and what those taxes should be because no one really knows how much the queen makes on her personal monies or estates is another question.  Gets rather confusing there.

  8. I believe the royal family owns the land. The monarchy in Britain does NOT have a say in government. The Queen can't even vote! From what I understand, she cannot influence Parliament in any way.

  9. Title and some land and some say in government

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