
Does Quiznos drug test before hiring for employment?

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If I'm applying to work at Quiznos, will I be drug tested?

thanks a lot.




  1. hi friend i send you one nice link for spare time earnings visit this

  2. Quiznos is a franchise restaurant so it may depend on the individual owner of the store where you are applying. I worked at Quiznos for over 3 years and they never tested us. I do believe that their insurance person talked to them about testing, in exchange for an insurance discount, but they didn't do it. But like I said, other owners might test.

  3. probably

  4. Like the first person said, it is a franchise so different owners may run their stores differently. I worked at a Quiznos for two and half years and never did the owner drug test. I even saw him smoke weed with his employees. Another time an employee came in to work while coming down off extasy. He got sent home, but not fired. Things were way relaxed. My bet is, you will be fine. However, if you are worried about it you could try a detox kit form the drug store or drink lots of water for the next week or two (depending what drug you are worried about). Some people swear by those detox kits, but I have never used one. I just stay clean when I know I am going to be looking for a job. Its just Quiznos so don't sweat it. Good luck.  

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