
Does R&P like Dream Theater?

by  |  earlier

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They are an amazing progressive metal band. I've seen them in concert twice, and they were GREAT! I hope you guys like them. If you don't know them:




  1. I love these guys also.  Seen them a few times in concert.  Amazing musicians and talent.  John Pettruci rules!

  2. Yes they do.. i love JOHN....

  3. Dream Theater kicks ***

    Listen too I walk Beside you or Honor thy Father

    Kickass Band

  4. I don't represent R&P but I like them :)

    Dude thats awesome that you got to see them in concert.

  5. Odd enough, youtube is blocked where I'm at so I can't see what song you have chosen.

    And YES! they are my  favorite band. Each member being one of the best of what they do, I absolutely love them.

    You lucky lad, I'd give anything to see them live.

  6. I read something similar on another question on yahoo answers yesterday,

    I do remember from that post that you can get free gig tickets here

    Or at least you could b4!!!


  7. They're great, really interesting music that, somehow, never gets repetitive. We all know they're great technicians, but they're also great songwriters. I'd say they put on a great show, but they have not played here in Ireland since, I believe, Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes From a  Memory  

  8. They are without a doubt the most talented band I've ever seen live (Minus the lead singer).  I saw them a couple of months ago att the progresive nations.


    Their music live is too much about individual talent as opposed to combing their talents to make good music.  Say like Opeth they aren't as talented as Dream theatre individually but their sound, music, and tightness as a band  IMO is way ahead of DT.

    So yeah I like DT talent wise but musically not so much.

  9. I think they are extremely talented musicians and I like a few of their CDs but I've always found most of their stuff to be kind of boring to be honest. I can definitely respect them but I wouldn't consider myself to be a fan.  

  10. Yeah they're amazing musicians.

  11. Yeah I like them.

    I haven't heard too much of them, but from what I have they're great.

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