
Does RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta play the Angelus at 18:00?

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Does RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta play the Angelus at 18:00?




  1. I'm not sure about Raidio na Gaeltachta but I know for certain that RTÉ Radio 1 air the Angelus at 18.00 on a Saturday only and not during the week anymore.  You could try and google the RTE guide radio schedules and see what comes up.

    Hope this is of some use to you.

  2. Hello,

            RTE Radio na eirann plays the Angelus bell at 12noon and at 18:00, it lasts for about a minute, and it is just enough time for any well rehearsed Irish person to get through it, " The Angel of the Lord Declared unto Mary........ " Hope this helps you. Tony M

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