
Does Rafa Nadal look a little like Harrison Ford?

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To me he does.




  1. I do see a similarity from when Harrison Ford was young and Rafa Nadal. It's in the eyes and face structure a little. They don't look exactly alike as harrison has a longer fuller nose but the eyes kind have the same form? just a little resemblance.

  2. Harrison Ford has had a lot of work done on his face recently - he's beginning to look like a goldfish.

    But I take your point before Harrison was buffed and polished there was an intensity in his forehead that Nadal shares.

  3. heh! yeah, i see the Harrison Ford-goldfish connection. Nadal looks like an Indian, alright, but nah they don't look anything the same. I don't think anyone wants to look like Harrison Ford.

  4. No, but I had posted a tennis lookalikes vid sometime ago and he did look a lot like Josh Hartnett.

  5. No, I don't see any similarity, but my aunt says I kinda look like Rafa :P

  6. nadal is the most beautiful person/man on this is not,he is too old,wrinkled...

  7. I won't dispute that you really think that but I'm afraid that I don't see any similarity.

    Nadal looks like Gerónimo,the Apache.

  8. lmao ! Erm... I look more like Rafa Nadal aha !

  9. maybe then u r the only exception...

  10. hmmm...

    i don't see it...

    but Roger Federer could look like Benny Hill in a few years LOL

  11. I dunno

  12. "just asking" has it right! Harrison Ford looks like a gold fish who is stuck in a toilet pipe!

    Nadal is HOT. Rafafan looks like him LOL

  13. Harrison Ford?! That old koot? Nah, Nadal is MUCH more handsome, and young for that matter! LOL  Nadal is a REAL champion, Ford is only an actor.

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