
Does Ramadan section is a source for love and relations?!?!?!

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Does Ramadan section is a source for love and relations?!?!?!




  1. Pakistani Chap.... all actions are according to intentions as hadith kitabs if u know ur actions are leading to a good, in my opinion, is ok..i admit..Shaytan is strong, but Allah is Stronger and will help u if ur heart is clean and ur intentions are right...

  2. It is quite possible. It all starts on YA, a salaam leads to conversing with her, then swapping MSN addresses, and then it’s the mobile phone numbers, which results in making a promise to meet at a certain place and .. you know where this is going. Satan flows in a man like blood flows in him.

    How many relationships started with just a simple ‘Hello’ on YA and resulted in the male falling in love with the female and vice versa? I'm sure there have been a few cases.

    Allah says in the Quran ‘And come not near to Zina’ the terms ‘come not near’ means: To stay away from all such things which lead to Zina – which are stepping-stones to fornication. and I think YA is the stepping stone to Zinah.... All practises, things which aid and foster fornication and immodesty (talking to opposite s*x without reason) are forbidden in Islam.

  3. hahahahahahaha

  4. lol, "love"! ***.

  5. You never know... There are some desperate people online. Watch you don't befriend any stalkers and/or peados. I'm sure there's some on here... Trust no one :D

  6. Nopez.

  7. NO it is not! It is just the net!

  8. nope

  9. No, it is not.

  10. OMG NO. apparently that's what people are making it to be though!. EW  

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