
Does Refrigerator also cause global warming?

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If so, how does it cause?




  1. because of the cfc's!!!

    the overall cause of ozone depletion is the presence of chlorine-containing source gases (primarily CFCs and related halocarbons). In the presence of UV light, these gases dissociate, releasing chlorine atoms, which then go on to catalyze ozone destruction. The Cl-catalyzed ozone depletion can take place in the gas phase, but it is dramatically enhanced in the presence of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs).[14]

    These polar stratospheric clouds form during winter, in the extreme cold. Polar winters are dark, consisting of 3 months without solar radiation (sunlight). Not only lack of sunlight contributes to a decrease in temperature but also the polar vortex traps and chills air. Temperatures hover around or below -80 °C. These low temperatures form cloud particles and are composed of either nitric acid (Type I PSC) or ice (Type II PSC). Both types provide surfaces for chemical reactions that lead to ozone destruction.[

  2. not the refrigerator, but the CFC - the coolant in  it may coz global warming... it escapes and rises up in the atmosphere.

    The atmosphere is allows sunlight and heat to enter and allows it to escape during night time - this heat is called terretrial radiation. But wen CFC reaches the atmosphere, it absorbs this heat radiation and does not allow the heat to escape and thus causing rise in temperature  : global warming. The causative subs. are called green house gases.

  3. YES.

    due to CFC

  4. It uses chloro fluro carbons for its cooling. This chemical is used in airconditiones also. When it comes in contact with air then causes warming.


  5. earlier all refrigerators used to give out chloro floro carbons (CFCs) but now there are refrigerators in the indian market which are environment friendly and have a label of "NO CFC" on them. the CFC (also given out by air conditioners) is extremely harmful as it damages the ozone layer letting UV rays penetrate inside the earths atmosphere hence causing global warming.SO PLZ. WHENEVER YOU OR ANYONE YOU KNOW IS BUYING A REFRIGERATOR OPT FOR THE "NO CFC" ONE

  6. No, it does not cause global warming.The coolant gas used in it used to affect ozone layer.But,since last few years this gas has been changed all over the world and this problem has been resolved.But the electricity consumed by may affect global warming,if it is produced by a thermal power plant.

  7. gw is not real!

    I wrote a speech on it and it is available here

  8. Yes, Refrigerator also cause global warming because they all contains CFC'S i.e. [ Chloro Fluro carbon]. When A.C'S and Refrigerators are on they release C.F.C'S gasses ; which increase the temperature of our environment and results in global warming .global warming is not cause only because of a.c and refrigerator but there are many equipments and things in our earth which release c.f.c's to cause global warming

  9. Refrigerator causes global warming because it also releases chloro- fluoro carbon.

    We can stop refrigerator causing global warming by following:

    1.Make sure your refrigerator is not set too cold.

    2.Do not open and close the refrigerator too often, it wastes electricity.

    3.Arrange food so that cold air can flow freely.

    4.Do not put hot/warm food into your refrigerator. Let the food cool to room temperature first.

    5.Thaw frozen food by placing it into the refrigerator the day before cooking.

    6.Do not block the cooling coils in the back of the refrigerator. Keep them clean as dust on the coils causes warming.

    7.Empty and turn off your refrigerator if you go on a long vacation.

  10. No as such refrigerators don't have a direct impact on global warming ............

    Refrigerators contain CFC(chloro flouro crabon) which when emitted to the outer space can deplete the ozone layer. This ozone layer is responsible for protecting the animal world back on earth from the harmful radiation of sun.............

    A Cl atom from CFC is capable of destroying 100000 molecules of ozone by fast electron polarization in the presence of UV radiation.

    Also these heavy molecules of ozone when settle down to earth can cause global warming as they are heavier than the air & trap the heat from the sun(but not as potential as the CO2)

    But we should also mark that refrigerator runs on electricity energy which is mostly produced by cola fired power generation units producing the notorious gases like CO2 & CO

    which are well known global warming gases..........

    So it actually increases ur carbon footprint & u contribute to global warming indirectly..............

  11. yes, it does.

  12. Ya, They olso release greenhouse gasses.

  13. No, but make sure you take the door off when you dispose of the refrigerator so a little kid doesn't get stuck in it,, we know this happens.

  14. no, modern day refrigerator does not cause global warming. but it still contributes to ozone layer depletion.

  15. It's an appliance that uses a great deal of energy (relative to other household appliances).  Whether, and how much, it contributes to global climate change depends on its efficiency, and most importantly, the source of its power - coal burning?  Solar?  Wind?  Hydro? Oil?  

    The refrigerant is an ozone hole issue.  CFCs are banned, although many replacement chemicals are only less damaging to the ozone layer, not harmless to it.  Upper level ozone protects the earth from the sun's ultraviolent radiation - a completely different issue from climate change, although there are connections.

    Addendum: answers like that from 007 reveal a mis-understanding of the phenomena at work; global climate change and ozone depletion are two separate phenomena w/ some areas of overlap.  UV radiation is NOT what leads to warming - it instead causes damage to tissues at the cellular, and possibly genetic level.  The ozone (O3) layer in the upper atmosphere protects earth's biota from this damage by "sacrificing" the O3 in absorbing this radiation, i.e. the ozone "takes the hit" the radiation would otherwise deliver to living tissues on earth.

    Global warming comes from radiant energy produced by visible light from the sun being trapped by gasses like CO2, methane, and yes, CFCs (the primary chemical responsible for destruction of the ozone layer), among others.  This effect is essential for life on earth, as it warms and stabilizes (btwn night and day) surface temperatures.  However, with the rapid rise of concentrations of such gasses in our atmosphere, this "blanket" of gasses is trapping far more heat, raising the temperatures faster than most biota can adapt or evolve to deal with, leading to mass extinction, etc.

    The two are DIFFERENT phenomena with different causes.  Fortunately, across-the-board elimination of most ozone-depleting chemicals has put us on course for an eventually-healed ozone layer.  The outlook for global warming is far less certain.

  16. Yes, It does. Below link will explain you.

  17. yes, fridges cause global warming, stop buying stuff that needs to go in a fridge, or find a cool running stream/river near you where the stuff can be kept cold by keeping it under water

  18. When using CFC (Chloro-Flouro-Carbon)..

    moreover, everything that emmits greenhouse gases does cause global warming. and refrigerators consume energy..

    energy is produced via electricity -> burning fuels..

        * 52 minutes ago

  19. certainly... refrigerator , an important necessary household material has a great impact on global warming. a gas called freon-112 and freon-112 which are called as cfc's is a toxic gas which acts as a green house gas.... a mirror.

  20. When using CFC (Chloro-Flouro-Carbon)..

    moreover, everything that emmits greenhouse gases does cause global warming. and refrigerators consume energy..

    energy is produced via electricity -> burning fuels..

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