
Does Rev Jackson's opinion of Obama affect your view of his record??

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Does it affecthow you view what Obama has done "in the black community?" as if there is this one community out there somewhere where all the black people live. lol




  1. I don't like Oboma any more.  But as far as Jackson....Pure Jealousy, in addition to his constant hypocracy.

  2. It's more of the same old tired rhetoric from the liberal left section of black America. If a black man does well or achieves in life, he is duty-bound to denounce all things white and proclaim racism as the evil white man's plague. If he (or she) fails to do either he/she is immediately set-upon by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and the entire NAACP who take their standard position in fromt of the nearest available TV camera and announce that the man/woman in question is not black enough.  

    Obama is far from my favorite candidate. He would bring about more problems than a tornado in a trailer park if elected. However, that is a whole other Jerry Springer.

    JJ is an idiot who has no business calling himself "Reverand." Where exactly does he preach? What religion is he?  JJ is a poverty pimp and a race w***e. He does everything in his power to keep black Americans in poverty and beholden to him and the so-called "black leaders."  Why wouldn't he? That's how he keeps a paycheck coming in, isn't it? If not...where does he get money from?? He certainly ain't preachin' brothers and sisters!

  3. I really don't concern myself with Rev Jackson's opinion on anything due to the fact he has shown over the years to be judgmental and bias.

    Personally I don't agree with Senator Obama but that is not based of media BS but my abliity to research his record and taking the time to listen to him at interviews.

  4. Jesse Jackson's opinion of Obama has nothing to do with my opinion of Obama.  I bet you would never catch Obama making the statements that Jackson did.  He's actually too smart and far above that.

  5. First off, let's eliminate "Rev" the man does not deserve this title. He is as judgmental and the next Idiot. I can't believe he would say the things he said and thought he could not be heard???? He is the first person to condemn and criticize someone for making racial slurs about his race, but it is ok that he does??? He is the only one that can be held accountable for his actions and I have lost complete respect for the work that this man has done in the past. I think Obama should right this loser off to.

  6. Jesse Jackson's opinions have never affected me in the least. I do not pay attention to the man's rhetoric.

  7. LOL I like the last part. Jesse Jackson merely said what some black people where already thinking. He says he doesn't play the race card, but yet he is out there trying to get the "white" vote and the "Hispanic" vote but has yet to address how he will get the "black" vote. He is banking on his color to ride him for that. I don't trust a man who doesn't look to his own. He is not prepared to take on the powers that be without taxing the h**l out of America. If this is the only way we can get out of debt, do we really want him leading our country. Jesse Jackson has done a lot of ignorant things and I don't see him as the voice of the black community, he just said what a lot of us were thinking. Obama is detached from the black experience. A little white kid from Little Rock has a better clue on the black experience then this black man with white grandparents who grew up country living.

  8. No.

  9. He's comments just confirm what a hipocrite Jackson really is.

  10. No. I am more concerned what Obama would do to America as a whole, not the "black community". Isn't everyone who is here legally all Americans? That is the only thing that matters to me.

  11. Actually, that Jackson has negative feelings about Obama makes me like Obama better--or it would if I didn't suspect that Jackson was motivated by jealousy rather than reason.

  12. nothing Jackson says or does affects me.

  13. Jesse Jackson is apparently against anyone who thinks people should take personal responsibility.  I don't like terms like "black community" because I think it separates us and we are all Americans.  Jesse Jackson wants to continue to separate us, and while I don't agree with everything Obama says, I like how he has made his campaign not about race.  I don't know what Obama has really done for the "black community" but I don't think Jackson has done much at all, except use them for his purposes.

  14. It's the first time he has said anything that was true and people turn on him. All you people were behind him when he went after Imus.When a white person says something it's racist but when a black person says something it's a mistake.

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