
Does Rex have pit bull in him??

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I have a new dog, we bough him when he was 7 weeks, he is now 15 weeks. The pound said he was Lab and Rottweiler. His head kinda has a pit bull shape and he is aggressive sometimes. I also have a Pomeranian (Simba) who is almost 5 years old. They get along great, they play and sometimes Rex plays rough but Simba puts him in his place. But Rex has been teething and I noticed his teeth in the back have 2 rows of teeth, I have seen pit bulls with the same thing. What he you think? Rex is also protective of my husband and I. My family and I breed Labs for years and I haven't seen a Labs act the way he does. He acts like he has ADD




  1. 2 rows of teeth are the baby teeth and the adult teeth, just the baby ones didn't fall out. The only way to know his breed history is possibly through a dna test, but even then the breed has to be 10% present in a dog to pick it up in the test. He could be 75% lab and 5% of 5 other breeds and the test would just show the lab part. If he is aggressive at 15 weeks, he needs some major training and socialization before he becomes uncontrollable. You should also neuter him as soon as possible.

  2. he is getting rid of some of his puppy teeth.

    post a link of a pic of him.

  3. It sounds like his baby teeth haven't fallen out yet.  As for the 'pitbull head' thing, I'd have to see a couple of shots to tell ya.

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