
Does Roger seems to be driving on a bare tank?

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I was watching his match with Berdych. Even though he won, he seemed completely different player to what he used to look in his earlier years (I usually watch his videos on Youtube.). He seems sluggish, at times even unsure with his movement and groundstrokes. His timing is really messy and he seems to put nothing in the shot (Most of the time seems to be just putting the ball across the net and when he does try to do something with the ball, it goes out of bound.) He has lost that spice on his world acclaimed forehand. I think he is completely energy sapped. Don't get me wrong. But let's face it, the guy has put so much energy (and emotions too) into last 4-5 years that it is just obvious that he is going completely to the bottom of the barrel (with loss of attributes that made him so tough to beat.) I wouldn't be surprised if same things happen to Nadal, looking at the amount of energy that he is putting in each single day and considering that his game demands so much from him. On the contrary, I expect a really long career for Djokovic, who seems to go through usual up-downs expected in an athlete's career. My take on this is Federer should take some time off the court (like Agassi) and try to get the energy and emotional attributes back. This way he will definitely be able to prolong his career. Also let's not forget, he is one of the fittest players on the courts, even through his mono problems. He remained to most part without any injury problems. Also, let's face it, the defeats, they do take their toll on you especially if you are trying all you can and still find yourself defeated. What's your take on this?




  1. tank is already empty but federer is still ken on driving

  2. I agree Rog is just having a bad year and since this has persisted for so many months I think a break would be perfect. I think his problems are something like a midlife crisis and it would be best if he settled that before competing...

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