
Does Rosetta Stone (language software) work?

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So, does it? I mean, is it effective in teaching you basic conversational (insert language here)? Is it worth the money?

And which language do you think would be best for me to get...Chinese, Arabic, or Polish?




  1. It's one of the most effective language teaching programs for adults.Whether it's worth the money depends on whether you'll actually practice a lot with it. Personally, I'd rather sign up for a course to take face-to-face, but if you can't and you really want to learn the language, Rosetta Stone is a good choice.

    The best language depends on which part of the world you are most interested in. If you have no preference, Arabic should be a useful one. In the US, the government really wants more people to learn Arabic for national security, and the Middle East will probably continue to play an important part in what's happening in the world in the near future.

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