
Does Russia's constitution FORCE it to retaliate when attacked?

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  1. No, nobody is forced, obviously everyone will try to defend themselves.

    Either way it was not Russia who got attacked. Russia is an attacker and aggressor for today.

    All in all, Russia also should be held accountable for financing separatists in S.O. , arming them and lastly handing out Russian passports to illegal armed paramilitaries in S.O.

    Well, I figure by now Russians and S.O. separatists should be also held accountable for ethnic cleansing of Georgians from the region. As S.O. self proclaimed president Kokoiti declared they (Russians and S.O. paramilitaries) finished demolishing and looting Georgian villages and won't let refugees back. Russian in turn declared that they support any decision of S.O.

    So much for Russian peacekeepers openly supporting ethnic cleansing.

  2. its common sense dummie, RUSSIA will take down USA if they have to. everyone would retaliate, to defend their own.

    COMMON SENSE! seems like you're missing alot of IT.

  3. Definitely hope so, hate to fight Russians if they don't fight back!

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