
Does Russia hate us ( usa)? It seems like they been accusing us of alot lately. ?

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Does Russia hate us ( usa)? It seems like they been accusing us of alot lately. ?




  1. They do hate you I'm afraid...a lot of the world's nations do unfortunately.

    The USA is often seen as a bully and the way I see things - bullies always get what's coming to them in the playground so we'll have to wait and see if the same is true in the international arena.  

  2. I get the feeling they hate the Brits as well. They don't ever seem to want to collaborate. It's a shame really. But then again, it's impossible to see your own nation from another nation's eyes. I don't think you can even if you've lived there. You can't really understand it.

    By the way, I wouldn't be surprised if the everyday normal Russian man in the street as no opinion on the US or the UK. People are people whereever you go. They all have the same problems and fears for their families and health even if their threats are coming from different sources. We may as well leave the politicians to it.

  3. I have traveled to Russia several times since 1994, I can tell you the people of Russia do not hate the USA for the most part. Some older people do, mostly the younger and middle aged people rather like the US. This said I can not say that about the government of Russia. The Government is trying to take back the power they once had, and will use any means possible to get their. The Russian people expect their leaders to lie steel and murder as they want to to regain power.

    This is not just aimed at the USA, but at any one or government that stands in the way of their goals.

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