
Does Russia want Georgia's oil?

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Georgia has 100billion barrels of oil and Europe gets its energy via an oil pipeline from that country. Is Russia trying to control Europe's energy?




  1. Russia is just trying to ensure their own supply.

  2. Georgia has 3 pipelines through it not much oil of its own they more want to show the price of agreeing to put Western arms on their doorstep

  3. You are wrong!  You need to know what really happened.  Why this propaganda is being spread IDK, BUT, Bush is condoning an act from Georgia of aggression on S. Ossetia of August 7, which killed 2,000 S. Ossetia women & children.  Russia has been a peacekeeper for S. Ossetia (they want to be with Russia, don't know why but, oh well).

    Two wrongs do not make a right BUT my child cannot do something wrong to another child and say BRING YOUR DADDY CUZ BY DAD WILL KICK HIS BUTT!  IT IS NOT RIGHT.

    Whatever happens America needs to let Georgia know that they cannot start fights and expect to be bailed out w/o some kind of punishment.

    Georgia wants to be part of NATO and Russia is one of the country that has VETO it from being a part of it.  I think this is ONE BIG REASON.  (my opinion).  You see they are saying that the aggression that Russia took was UNDUE POSTURING.  But keep in mind GEORGIA STARTED IT AND WE SHOULD NOT CONDONE THIS AS A DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY!

  4. At this time Europe obtains 80% of its oil supply from Russia. It is to early to say what intentions Russia has on the oil supply.

  5. Georgia produces nothing  but dirt.  

  6. Georgia has nothing. Yes pipelines going through it. It is Russia that is sitting on vast reserves of OIL.

    Russia is the main supplier of OIL in Europe.

    The war with Georgia was more strategic, and to exert its influence after Georgia attacked S.O. It was also a clear message to US and deterrent to other countries. A lot going on behind the scenes.

  7. If all that war was about controlling the oil please say how Russia got Georgia to bomb south ossetia and kill 2000 people overnight. I asked that question many times already but NOBODY answered. I wonder why. Is it because you guys who made all this propaganda forgot about that fact? lol

  8. They're just protecting Russians in Georgia.

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