
Does SAT take average of all my past SAT scores to arrive at my new score?

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That is ... if my 1st score was 1200 and my 2nd actual score is 1800, will the official score for my second sitting be an average of 1200 and 1800? Will my SAT score on transcript be affected by number of times that I take?




  1. They will see all your scores. They will consider your highest score. US universities always encourage students who want to improve their scores.Also you have improved your score by 600 and that is decent enough.

    Good Luck

  2. average

  3. I've always heard that they look at your highest. Check out They'll probably tell you. And how does everyone know their scores already? Did you take it prior to June 7th? Because mine dont come out til next Thursday....I am sooo nervous. But i think its the highest. Ask your guidance councelor if you dont get an answer.

  4. Nope, they take your highest score from all your subjects

    the colleges see all of the scores though.

    The number doesn't matter as long as you improve =)

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