
Does SPIRONOLACTONE / ALDACTONE contain progestin?

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umm anyone knows?

don't just link me to spironolactone/aldactone page that don't even have the word progestin in them please >.<

thanks !




  1. I believe that A Simple Man has offered you a cogent answer to your question and thus I&#039;m certain that he does, indeed, know.

  2. Spironolactone is very simular to progesterone, chemically. There is only a few differences when you look at the molecules. See:

    But the hormonal effect are different.

    Spironolactone does indeed have progestational (like progesterone) effects but not much. Its main effect is as an Anti-mineralocorticoid (affecting the kidney). It also has Anti-androgenic (blocking androgens) effects. That is why it helps to grow back hair.

  3. No, spironolactone/Aldactone pills contain only one chemical -- spironolactone.

    Spironolactone works by inhibiting aldosterone, which is a naturally-occuring steroid-based hormone responsible for water/mineral regulation in the kidneys.  This is why the main use of spironoactone is as a diuretic (&quot;water pill&quot;), which makes people pee more.

    Unfortunately, our body uses steroid-based hormones for many different bodily functions.  And since all these hormones are all based on the steroid molecule (4 rings, 3 of which are 6-sided, and one five-sided), they look very much alike.


    Aldosterone (hormone in charge of water/mineral regulation):

    Dihydro-testosterone (an androgen, which is a male s*x hormone):

    Because of their structural similarity, spironolactone not only inhibits aldosterone, it also inhibits dihydro-testosterone, a male s*x hormone.

    As a result, spironolactone causes &quot;feminizing&quot; side effects such as gynecomastia (enlargement of b*****s), menstrual irregularities and testicular atrophy.  This is probably why some people mistakenly conclude that spironolactone contains female s*x hormones (such as progestin), when it absolutely does not.

    Hope that helps.

  4. I don&#039;t believe so. Drospirenone is the progestin analog of Aldactone.

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