
Does Sarah Palin's Daughter being pregnant change your view of her as a vp candidate?

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to me it does, how can you speak out against teen pregnancy or even premarital s*x when you have a knocked up seventeen year old at home yourself?

maybe if she would have spent more time being a parent rather than being power hungry this would not have happened,

and yes, i would say the exact same thing if she were a guy, i come from a family with a long line of lousy a*s fathers so there is no sexism here.




  1. Yes, I like and respect her even more.



  2. I think McCain's rookie mistake of picking her is saying to the republican base that Hillary's votes are more important to him than the republican base.

  3. That's a "double edged sword" at what point do you take responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming your parents, society etc...News flash A LOT of people were having s*x at 16 & 17 but not all of us got caught that way doing it.

  4. Yes it does. Dramatically but then again she's like every other politician she says one thing and then she does the opposite.  

  5. No, it makes me laugh at the Republicans

  6. No, I never thought she was a good choice in the first place.  Her daughter's pregnancy has nothing to do with it, but it does affirm some suspicions that I had about McCain's judgment to begin with.

  7. As a parent, I understand how difficult these family situations are. I feel this makes Sarah more like most of us. I think more people will relate to her than to any of the other 3 (hussein, biden, McCain)

  8. It does change my mind in the least.

    I never planned to vote for the Republican ticket anyway.

    It really shouldn't matter to anyone else either.

  9. Oh, the irony; this election season is chalk full of twists and turns isn't it?

  10. No.

    I don't like her because Palin is a far-right fundie nutjob hypocrite who (until very recently) belonged to a political party that actually wanted to vote on *leaving* America!

    That's all we need to know about her

  11. No.  I thought she was a poor choice and still do.

  12. Doesn't matter to me I am voting for Obama regardless of a pregnant teen or not

  13. I agree with what you said but it would not change my view on the VP candidate. It just proves no one is perfect.

    I'm not voting for them anyway.

  14. Sarah Palin's daughter --pregnant or not-- is too young to be VP.

  15. Doesn't change my opinion.  Like I saw earlier on a news video on Yahoo, what parent can actually COMPLETELY control everything their teenager does? I fully support McCain and Palin.  

  16. The sin aint in the bearing, it be in the fornicating.  

  17. nope

  18. If Sarah Palin can't take care of her own family. How can she take care of the country.

    Mr. News

  19. No.

  20. No, but then I am a grown up

  21. Nope I was against her before it and I think it's of little relevance save the fact it may help open a dialog to stop that AO bull they want to teach as a sole method of sexual education

  22. not at all i never knew her daughter was pregnant, and don't care, its her lack of experience and being a heart beat away is what puts me off. i mean mayor of a town of 4600 people and gov.1/2 a term qualifies you to run for govr. for another term, not be V.P. of the united states  

  23. to me it doesn't make her fake, yes it is something she doesn't agree with but she isn't turning her back on her daughter or trying to hide it.  

  24. You can teach your children lessons, but you have to let them make their own choices hoping that they have not forgotten what you taught them.  This can happen to both good and bad parents.  I don't know which she is.  If you are Mayor of a small town and then Governor of a State, I would think that would limit the amount of quality time with your children; Particularly, if you have five.

    This doesn't change my view of Sarah.  I thought she was lacking in qualifications before this came out.

  25. you can sure tell who has male egos and think women belong barefoot

    and pregnant at home. be for real guys and gals the daughter is not applying for the job,  even in this world of  'bad' teens with good intentions  or 'good' teens that make questionable choices does not necessarily make them inhuman. a hundred years ago if you were not married and pregnant by the time you were15 or 16 you were considered an old maid .life happens and then you move on. it should not be an issue, just like when people were bashing clinton- that was a non issue also and a family matter emphasis on the family not the public!!!!!!!

  26. Humans are imperfect and children are not controlled by parents. Even God gave humans free will, and we have long disobeyed his commandments, yet you expect parents to be more powerful and controlling than God? What idiocy!

    You can speak out against things that are wrong. Teen pregnancy is NOT a good thing - even pregnant teens speak out against it. Premarital s*x is, for religious people, a wrong thing - that s*x without commitment is empty and meaningless and a degradation to oneself. And that is indeed true.

    A parent cannot completely control a child. Everybody knows this, yet you leftist whiners think this is an issue. Pathetic, really.

  27. My opinion of her changed when I found out she cares so little for the health of her pregnancy that she traveled when she shouldn't have.

    A ten hour flight, after your water has broken, while carrying a special needs child, in premature labor was a bad bit of business, a poor judgment call, in my estimation, and I've had preemies so I have some experience.

    Accepting the nomination when she knew her views would cause significant comment when she announced her unmarried seventeen year old was pregnant is a startling bit of blind ambition.

    You don't sacrifice your daughter for the VP candidacy.

    If she had been my mother I would have disowned her.

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