
Does Sarah Palin's extensive experience boost the Republican ticket?

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She has been the governor of Alaska, a state with a smaller population than San Francisco, for only two years and she is already being investigated for ethics violations and abuse of power. However, people seem to be ignoring her 8 YEARS as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. I mean, people seriously considered Rudy Giuliani for President and he was a mayor too, right?

Ohh...Oh wait...

I'm sorry...what was I thinking...New York is a city with a population larger than that of some European countries and Wasilla which has a population comparable to 35th St from the East River to Broadway...actually, more like from the East River to 2nd Ave.


But, shouldn't her executive experience still count for something?

Or no?

If no, why not?




  1. Yes..

    There is food older in my refrigerator the Barry's 144 days. LOL

  2. Palin's experience does count.  It is what it is.  And she is known for good stuff happening -- including reform -- I remember hearing about her before, not even in connection with this election.

    I WISH Giuliani could have been president, that would have been great.

  3. Sure. All republicans will vote for republican.... Surprise. So 43% will stay 43% forever.

  4. If experience was so important why did the Democrats pick Barack Obama?  How much experience do you think it takes to sit in the background of the Senate and wait for the president to die in office anyway?

  5. Yes!  Among other things, "her son is about to deploy to Iraq. She's an ice fisherman, a moose hunter, a small business owner and a lifetime NRA member. And she shelved her state's pork-laden Bridge to Nowhere that McCain has ridiculed on the trail......and she's about as far outside the Beltway as you can get.... " Plus she's actually been leading people for the past several years, while Obama has been leading NO one!


  6. No, but her legs do!

  7. She is being investigated for Abuse of Power.  That should play well at the polls.

  8. Alaska is a state and is more than twice the size of Texas.  The Obamaites are shaking with fear, it was strategic brilliance!

  9. She's the governor of a state, a successful and popular one, and a whistle-blower, too. That's huge.

    She will help McCain win, no doubt. The wind (and lots of hot air there, BTW) has just been sucked out of the BHO campaign.

    Palin has about as much experience as Barry Obama, and better experience as a governor, so the "no experience" argument just doesn't work, my friend.  

  10. I think she is great!

    Have you checked into Obama's community organization? I don't think you have...he was a miserable failure!

  11. I think it balances the ticket nicely.  That ethics probe is based on a bogus complaint, I wouldn't worry my little head over it.  She did more to clean up corruption in less than two years than most governors do in several terms..

  12. Ethics violations two years into her big league political career? It sounds like she is going to be a perfect fit for the Republican party.  

  13. People are ignorant, they say, oh a women ha ha!  Look at that!  But she is just like McCain, maybe even worse.  She is not middle of the road, she is totally conservative and under investigation, the Reps in power right now care nothing about the kind of message this sends they think we are all so stupid we will just go, oh a woman!  And vote for her.

  14. I think it will send women on the fence out to vote as well ease conservatives minds on abortion issues. I was pulling for Mitt but welcome Sarah and will be voting for her and John McCain in November.  

  15. Palin has more experience than Obama.

  16. When was the last time you heard anything pertinent about Wasilla?

  17. Good point about Giuliani. Yes Palin's experience will boost the Rep ticket for sure!

  18. Hmmm. This shows how much you know about government. YOUR candidate has 143 days voting in a Senate. OUR VICE PRESIDENT has nearly 700 days running a complete state government. Same responsibilities regardless of the state. Alaska has ALL the same issues as New York, except her having to fight the oil companies in Alaska...oh, and winning.

    Gee, 700 days governing vs. 143 voting...sometimes...and that's only our VP with more experience than your Presidential candidate...ouch.

  19. She hunts moose

    She fishes

    TV Sports reporter, Pres of PTA, then City council for 4 years, then Mayor then for 4 years, now Governor for 2 years.

    She has an approval rate of over 80% the highest in the USA.

    Mother of 5

    Oldest son in the US Army

    Youngest son born with Downs Syndrome, they knew and still had the child.

    She actually has visited the troops in Lanstuhl hospital in Germany.

    Her husband is a real man who has won the snowmobiler 2000-mile "Iron Dog" race. 4 times.

    Her husband is native American

    Palin is a great VP

  20. mccain is just selling what little of a soul he has left to the women voters

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