
Does Sarah Palin balance John McCain and his lack of executive experience?

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Does Sarah Palin balance John McCain and his lack of executive experience?




  1. Lack of executive experience?  You are kidding, right?  As oppossed to what? The puppet with an earpiece and 143 days???

    Got a brain?

  2. No. sarah Who? oh that BinBO lady. She will soon be ms. mccain watch. he loves these binbo playboy look alike chicks

  3. If you consider barely running for 2 years actual experience to run as the VP, then you guys are in trouble

  4. She balances John McCain in the looks department

  5. No, she has even less experience than he does.  What she does have is an even-more-right-wing-if that's possible mindset, and female parts.  

    Unless you're running a zoo--her state has more moose than people.  

  6. Let's see, she has been governor less than two years and before that she was mayor of a town of 9,000.  I don't think that is a impressive exective resume.  Her foreign policy experience consists of knowing where the Canadian border is.  What the pick does is, put a token woman on the ticket who won't pick up Hillary supporters because both McCain and Palin are anti-choice, and it also limits McCain's ability to criticize Obama's lack of experience because she is someone with little experience  who would be a heartbeat away from being Prez.  I don't know if you would call that balance.

    What she brings really are superficial characteristics.  She is younger than McCain (most people are) and she is far better looking than McCain and she is a woman.  She might be bright, but she is most likely going to be overmatched by Biden in the debate.

  7. Yes I guess so but I didn't know the future President McCain had a lack of executivie experience.

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