
Does Sarah Palin believe abortion should be allowed in cases of rape and incest?

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I heard she was staunchly anti-abortion. Does she believe in exceptions though?




  1. No she doesn't & that will mean the Hillary supporters will not vote for her & McCain

  2. No she does not support it.

    The only time, to her, abortion should be allowed is to save the life of the mother.

  3. I would doubt it. If she isa true conservative - most do not.

    But why should it make a difference? She can believe what she wants - it is a free country the last I knew! :)

  4. She's also anti-birth control. Pls be careful, my fellow sisters, just who you vote for this year

  5. Out of the millions of abortions performed every year, how many do you believe are really the result of rape/incest? Do you know of anyone who has had an abortion because of this? After being raped they give you the "morning after" pill to prevent a pregnancy. Even if she was against this type of abortion, which I can't believe anyone would be, is that a sole reason to judge her?

  6. "Abortion" may be a non-issue for you in this election because you have "more important things to worry about."  But to the evangelical bible-banging religious whack jobs of this country, its the ONLY issue.  These nut-jobs would elect satan himself (and did), if he claimed he were anti-abortion.  It's like they have horse blinders on.  They never see the whole picture.

    The way to eliminate aboriton is to reduce 'unwanted pregnancies'...pregnancies women can't care for.  That means encouraging birth control and making it generally available.

  7. Well, OnTheIssues only has her listed as pro-life, but doesn't really say anything more.  Her page is somewhat bare, but I suppose that will fill in later.

    It' s possible that this far she's been able to avoid the question on exactly how far pro-life she is.

  8. Palin is a member of Feminists for Life, and, they think all new life is worth saving.

  9. The nitty gritty details of her stance don't much matter, she would use Roe v Wade as a supreme court litmus test and that could set us way back to the old days of coat hangers for the poor, "medical conditions requiring d & c" for the wealthy and well connected.  Whatever the idealogues may tell you, politically the abortion issue is not about life and death, it is about power over women.  The abortion issue is not about whether there is an abortion, it is about who makes that decision.  Remember that even now a rule change is under consideration that would classify many forms of birth control as abortions and therefore for a start ineligible for coverage by medical insurance.

  10. No she is 100% anti-abortion unless the pregnancy will take the life of the mother.

    Really abortion is a non-issue in this election. Both parties (no matter who wins) have more important things to worry about than abortion issues.

    Even if abortion was there number 1 concern I highly doubt they would truly try and pass a bill banning abortion because they know it would be met with more resistance than support.

  11. Agreed with above poster.  Thats a pretty hardcore stance...but both candidates have bigger things to worry about.

  12. That is ALL you Dems have got isn't it.  It is the "bible" of your platform.  Take abortion of the table, and you basically have no agenda with any record of success.

    Doesn't matter that in all the years of Republican Presidents, nothing has been done to overturn Roe v Wade.

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