
Does Sarah Palin believe that God is a corporate sharelholder?

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From todays New York Post (the most right wing daily rag in America) they quoteda Sarah Palin in a speech she gave to her church in June about a controversial $30 billion pipeline, and said this about it, "I think Gods will has been done in unifying people and companies to get that gasline built"

Does she really believe that God has a stake in fossil fuel companies and their profits?




  1. She also believes the Iraq war is "a task from God." Yes, McCain/Palin want to bring you the first American Jihad!

    No way, no how, no McCain!

  2. Sorry, but being quite skilled at reading comprehension, I know that's not what that quote means.

    It means that she believes that it is a good thing, that God would be pleased with the effort, where the people and the companies worked together to accomplish the pipeline, which benefits both.

  3. omg man!!! am not american, am not muslim either

    But since when does she talk on behalf of god???

    Does she know God's phone number by the way???(...give it to me Sarah!..)

    She's so scary that woman!!! Am just afraid that if ever she's elected, and that bad things happen... she will say. thats gods plan!!

    scary, unreliable, not mature, not wise & intelligent

  4. OH MY. she is an absolute fruitcake! McCaine must be desperate

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