
Does Sarah Palin have enough experience?

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Does Sarah Palin have enough experience?




  1. That's hard to say, the Republicans keep pointing to the fact that she's the Governor of Alaska.  But being a Governor doesn't necessarily mean you'd make a good President.  I know she's running for Vice President, but if something should happen to McCain, she'd be the most powerful person in the world!!

    After all, George W. Bush was Governor of Texas, and look what kind of President he is!!

    My personal opinion is that she isn't qualified to be President or Vice President for that matter.

  2. No, but then none do.

  3. nope

  4. I think the question that should be asked is does Barack Obama have enough experience. I mean, after all, he is running for PRESIDENT. not vice president, actual real president. and people are asking about palin. woww

  5. Yes.

    She has executive experience which is something none of the other candidates have.  

  6. In the bedroom?  Absolutely.  She's got what... 5 kids?  Looks like her daughter is trying to pick up where mommy left off.


  7. no

  8. Isn't it ironic how the liberals think being a neighborhood organizer turned senator is enough experience? She is only a governor?? Isn't it ironic how the liberals also thought being a governor was plenty of experience for their golden boy slick willie clinton?

  9. Yes, without a doubt.  Only people who have not researched her for themselves and who are easily led around believe she does not have enough experience.  She is the only one who has executive experience

  10. to stand behind mccain smiling and nodding?  heck yes.  she's only a VP.

  11. More than Enough for VP Nominee...!!

  12. To run the state of Alaska--Yes, to possibly run the country----NO!

  13. She has more executive experience than Obama and McCain combined.

  14. Yes of course.  Only those who believe everything that comes out of other peoples mouths without bothering to verify anything say no.

    Just do your own research into her experience, it is easy online.  You'll see she has plenty of experience

  15. yes

    No doubt in any ones head as long as they have an open mind and do not easily believe the lies and propaganda vomited out by the Obama camp

  16. Just think she used to be a nobody and now she's famous

  17. A. a VP needs to have plenty of experience. If McCain wins this election he will be the oldest President to start in office. If in fact he does die for some health related issue we would be stuck with a normal person running our nation. Politics is not a fun and games. It is a game that one has to be knowledgeable about. Want to know more read the book Hardball by Chris Matthews. You will then learn the skill and stragedy needed to be in any high political office, whether it be the house, the senate, or President.

    B. She may be a good speaker but her experience is quite low. She has never been in the Washington mindset and has been sectioned off from the Senate and House. Besides at least Obama has even some experience in the the Senate, Palin has no experience in this category.

    C. She has a demanding family. Im not being sexist but her family needs her. She has 5 kids. A baby who has down syndrome and family's with kids with special needs have to be there for their child, helping it through everyday tasks that normal people do in one minute.

    Plus if she is all about abstinance then why in the heck can she not hold to this value with her own kid. Come on if you know your kid is in a steady relationship and you want her to save s*x till marriage then sit her down and talk with he and watch the two to make sure they are not doing things behind her back. Palin will also have to support her daughters child that is if she plans on having her go to college. So then she is going to have two babies to care for and one with down syndrome.

    D. In her speech she is not hit any issues about foreign policy, most of our nation is built around foreign policy, we dont support oursleves, we rely on everyone else. So if she becomes President we are going to have a lady who knows nothing about how the foreign world orks...come on what a joke. NOTone issue...tlak about the issues!!! or maybe it's because you don't know any....

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