
Does Sarah Palin have the right to decide whether a woman has a baby or not?

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i mean, what business is that of hers?!

btw, what kind of woman expects a 12 year old girl who gets raped by say, an uncle and falls pregant to have the baby?? shes so disgusting.




  1. She and other pro-life people need to keep their noses and own personal values out of women's wombs. If a person doesn't want an abortion, don't have one.  

  2. Yes she does, but only if the woman in question is Sarah Palin.

  3. Is it right that a woman be allowed to murder her own child?

    If not, what defines that right?

    My guess is that right is defined based upon the identification of the child as a separate person with rights and privileges bestowed by the Creator and guaranteed by the Constitution.

    So how do we determine if the child is a separate person?

    How about the identification that all authorities use to determine identity?


    So, if a child has it's own unique DNA structure, it is a human being with said rights and privileges.

    Thus no one, mother or otherwise, is allowed to intentionally harm it, regardless of it's location, condition, or situation.

    We already prosecute those who kill pregnant females with 2 murders...not 1.

    So I submit to you that the government doesn't have a right to tell you what you can do with your body....just so long as you're not infringing upon another persons right to



    PERSUIT OF HAPPINESS upon all three.

    Make sense?

    And by the way, where is your heart for these raped 12 year olds when the liberals keep letting the rapists out of prison?

  4. and the Scenario you described happens how often?  

    and the scenario of using abortion as birth control happens how often?

    The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between.

    Mother Teresa

  5. lol...well the republicans here seem to think she does since they are supporting her  

  6. No, she doesn't and neither does anyone else. This has been discussed ad nauseum.

  7. That's like saying someone else shouldn't have the right to decide whether someone can rob a bank or not. And there's also this magic thing called "adoption".

    And before you say it, not having a baby will affect other people. Think of all the people you know and how you've affected them.

  8. Hey, what right to Obama, Pelosi, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, etc. have to say that my 14-year old daughter can get birth control pills from that school nurse without my knowledge?  They call me if she needs aspirin. She can get kicked out of school under the zero-tolerance policy if she gets caught with Midol.

    She can get an abortion from Planned Parenthood without my permission.

    If she has medical complications from the pill or the abortion, I have to pay for the doctors or hospital.

    She is a MINOR child.


    Obama says that the FIRST  legislation he wants to sign if elected is the Right to Choose Act that will FORBID States from making ANY and all laws restricting such actions.

    Not on THIS mother's watch.

    NO WAY.

  9. In such a case I don't agree with the child keeping the baby. On the other hand the parents should make this decision with the consult of a professional. And it must be verified by the authority.

    But I women who is 18 or over must be responsible for her action just as you would expect a 18 year old male to pay child support.  

  10. I agree.

    Nosey Hockey Mom.

    In our business. Mine her own children business!

  11. the whole abortion thing is just stupid. People should be able to decide whether or not they want to keep their baby. It makes no sense to me. Hello " Land of the free". Its amazing to me how people think banning abortion will solve anything. All that will happen is there will be more children in foster homes, and maybe even a higher rating of mothers and fathers killing their babys. Are these conservatives going to taker all these kids born and put them in there homes when the mothers dont want there babys?  

  12. h**l nah.

  13. I often wonder what the heart and soul of a murderous abortion loving Democrat looks like.

    They seem so cold and uncaring...even a little manly (since most of them are hardcore feminists that refuse to shave or use deodorant).

    I bet if I look deep into their soul I would see the pure blackness of a rotting soul that knows nothing but pure hate and evil!

  14. No she doesnt! No1 in politics does. I mean wtf does that have to do with anythng??

    she needs to go deal with her own effed up daughter before she tries to control everyone elses families.

  15. Sarah Palin does not believe that woman should have the right to decide wheter to have a baby or not.  She is opposed to abortion no matter what the circumstances.  That puts her at odds with the Supreme Court.   She is really out there on her views.    

  16. Can you see conservatives asking questions like this.  This just proves liberals have no morales.

  17. No. She is only a human, not God.

    You're right. She's so disgusting.

  18. Of course not. And no, no one on the pro-life side thinks that a minor-child who is a victim of incest should have to be forced to have a child.

    Nor do most of us think that any woman should be forced to have a child. Any suggestion otherwise is just silly.

    Remember, abortion is a legal issue that has been settled by the Supreme Court of the USA and cannot change. A woman (indeed anyone) has a right to privacy for medical procedures.


  19. she only has a problem with paying for abortions, she was hoping for a free one when she put off going to the hospital for 22 hours after her water broke a month prematurely with her child with down syndrome.

  20. If that woman is her then yes she has all the right in the world.

    if we are talking about other women's choices then of course not.

  21. She wants to decide. Isn't it ironic that so many Republicans, who claim to be for state's rights and minimal government, want to be able to legislate what women can do with their own bodies?

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