
Does Sarah Palin know what languages are spoken in Latin America?

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One of her illustrious Republican predecessors - Dan Quayle - he of the 'potatoe' incident, seemed to think that they all spoke Latin!




  1. Perhaps Ms Pallin should go and visit Boyle Heights in L.A. which has a large population of Hispanic people who dont get to live out the American dream.I'm sure they'll teach her plenty of Spanish phrases like" a tomar por culo".

    Even better drop her and McCain somewhere far in the Amazon Region where some wee man with a CD hanging from his lip could teach them Guaryani and how to make apouch to protect the genitals against fire ants.

    I see someone called Boo feels sorry for the questioner and alludes to how many languages are spoken in Alaska.If the Hockey Mom has her way Alaska will have no Native Indigenous languages left to speak of because she plans to sell off the state to Oil Companies and most of these natural resources lie on native lands which will mean breaking treaties and agreements because after all it is Indians and a few million acres of natural land which all those pests like bears,moose and varmints just getting in the way of progress for those Hockey moms in their SUV's going to pick up junior after pratice.

    THe Orange Evil said she's said or done nothing wrong.Try telling that to an Iraqi mother whose son cant play Ice hockey becuse he,s dead due to colaterall damage and guess what... God did it... because He told Ms Pallin it was part of his divine plan to use America as his instrument in his illegal invasion of Iraq to steal their oil.

    Kentucy Fried Chicked thinks it doesn't matter  anyone here should speak English.I guess KFC is unaware of the millions of Hispanics living in America who will in the very near future overtake the white English speakers in some states.Perhaps KFC should hang out more at Taco Bell and pick up some Spanish.

    ShamWOW thinks we are talking c**p.Takes one to know one is the word that comes to my mind but then again I may be wrong and I thougt bthe democratic process was the right to have an opinion as most of the people who answer questions have.

    Lets not forget this person regardless of her sexual orientation also believes that there is no such thing as Global warmimg.I guess if she travelled around the state she governs and thats Alaska and not baked alaske ..up noth she would see that what JOHn Cabbot sought 500 hundred years ago...The North-West losing its ice and soon you will be able to sail around the Artic Circle ice free.Handy for the Russians if they wish to invade and handy for the Oil companies to pick up those barrels for the greedy materialistic anti-christian rapture loving old testamental loonies beneath the 49th Parallel.

    But Hey  this is America where ignorance is applauded and wisdom denied.

  2. E beso se manos, senora VP

    Paraya baya La Bamba, se necessita una poca de gracias

    por te sere - por te sere

    Altogether now

    Bamba Bamba

    Bamba Bamba

    C&P'd from Foreign Policy 101 - to fool dat Irish guy, O' Bama-Boozled

  3. I feel sorry for you.  Yes she knows.  Do you know all the languages spoken in Alaska?  Can you even find Alaska on the map?  

  4. If she was a bloke with five kids she would not be on the front page of most of the news papers here in the UK this morning  

  5. Thats it.  Just keep thinking we are all a bunch of dumb small town hicks.  That will help your boy Nobama

  6. So, Democrats have now reduced themselves to criticizing her for things she's never said or done wrong. Bravo.

  7. I'm wondering if you do because there are many countries in South America and not all of them speak the same language...

  8. sarah palin wull go down in flames and it wull take McSame with her. that does nae sound bad to us in scots .

  9. what does it matter really how does that affect the United States anyone here should speak English  

  10. Does obama have any concern for the Native American? Funny I never hear that brought up with any party!!!!! I bet you Palin knows more about Indian culture then NOBUMMER!

  11. I expect she has a rough idea like the rest of us.  I am struggling to see the point of this question.    

  12. I know that most of South America speaks Spanish or a variation of it.

    Brazil speaks Portuguese and Belize, a former British colony speaks English.  

    In the Caribbean, Spanish except for Haiti which speaks a creole/French and the US Virgin Islands, Trinidad, Tobago and Jamaica which speaks a form of English.

  13. That's reaching back a bit - and Spanish and Portugese are Latin-based languages...but...

    Republicans are against Americans learning foreign languages these days so it wouldn't surprise me.

  14. Last I checked this was a question and answer forum, not a talk c**p forum....  

  15. Who cares about Palin. She will be back home in november and forgotten forever

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