
Does Sarah Palin remind you of nasty and clueless Human Resources director?

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Or is it just me?




  1. Yes, she surely does.  You've put your finger on the reason--one of them, anyway--I dislike the woman so strongly.

  2. No, she reminds me of a very intelligent and capable person. Sorry, you cannot see it. Maybe you are spending too much time among clueless people and became one yourself.

  3.   It,s  just  you,  Sara  Palin is a classy  lady  who  with  McCain

      will  turn  the  U.S.  around  for the better .

       McCain / Palin   08

  4. Just you... and me. Never liked a religious nut of power-hungry type.

  5. Just you, but you already know that, don't ya?

  6. I think your question is unfair to human resources directors.

    But nasty and clueless - that's an understatement.

  7. No, it's not just you. Anyone who tells you that it is just you is just a well insulated-from-the-outside-world, republican jackhole.

  8. No, it is not just you. I think she has skeletons in her closet that will be revealed before election day.

  9. Very much so. Or at least like the bitchy 40-something manager who wants to stomp on men.

  10. Holy c**p. . . . she IS my boss. O_O

  11. Nah, shes more like that mean spirited frustrated spinster headmistress we all had!

  12. It's just you and your sick, liberal mind. Sarah Palin is a HUUUUGE inspiration. Obviously someone as dim-sighted as you wouldn't know that. Your loss.

  13. Dear Friend,

    It is about time we had some BACK BONE.  Obviously men have a difficult time in this area...afraid of being politically correct.  Please!  

    In the Bible, God used a woman too.  Judges Chapter 4 talks about Deborah (Wife, Judge and Warrior);  why?  Because at that time, there were no men with any GUTS!  No backbone. History repeats itself!

    My opinion (and I'm entitled to it)  YOU GO GIRL!

  14. It is just you.  She is the reason I am going to vote this year.  Go Sarah!

  15. It's just you.

    Obama is the one who reminds ME of a nasty and clueless Human Resources director.

  16. If only she were that harmless.

    Rich Republican women often resemble what right-wingers have called a 'ghetto mentality' toward having kids. They feel 'go ahead, have all the children you want - the world's not overpopulated and the government will pay for their upkeep."

    Palin relies on a very liberal philosophy (while hypocritically condemning liberals) of a woman having a family and a fulltime job, and forget about the psychological impact on the children. As long as there is a 'Mr Mom' and a huge government pension, we can be rich and self-righteous our whole lives.

    It makes me sick.

  17. She reminds me of an embittered Assistant Vice Principal.

    I could just see her giving students detention for looking at her funny or not keeping their #2 pencils sharp enough.

  18. no!  shes a great director!

  19. I'm sure she's clueless for one reason.  We're ALL clueless!  I would guess that's she's less clueless, and maybe even less nasty, than the majority of us.

  20. androgynous Pat from Saturday night live.  

    Same whiny voice.

  21. Oh, yeah, absolutely. She reminds me also of Karen Walker in Will & Grace. She looks a lot like her and also had that little hairpiece pinned on top of her head.

  22. Yeah, one who has no education or training because she slept with the boss to get her job.

  23. No, Obama does.

  24. The main reasons not to vote for her:

    1) She's a global warming denier.

    2) She's a creationist.

    IMHO, all the other stuff matters less.  I thought her speech last night was rather nasty and exaggerated.  Of course she didn't write it, but she delivered it as if she meant it.

    Only a month ago, she was saying nice things about Obama, from the heart.

  25. This actually never occurred to me before but yes, she does remind me of some snotty cooperate human resource directors I've have seen.

  26. It's just you... and probably a few others here. I find her a breath of fresh air from those entrenched in Washington DC. Go Saracuda!

  27. No, must be just you.

  28. No

    She is a dedicated mother, and leader.

    She has experience running a group of people. As Mayor and as Governor

    Obama has no experience managing any group of people, his experience consists of community planner

    Even Bam margera can plan a ******* parade as he did in bam's unholy union

    Obama for rock star

    McCain for president

  29. It's not just you.

  30. She reminds me just how dangerous it can be to give a religious nut any type of power.  

  31. Ah, I'm tired of all the bashing.  I can't wait until this election is over.  

    Either way, history will be made with this election.  We'll either have our first black president or our first female VP.  That's pretty cool, if you ask me!  :)

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