
Does Sarah Palin rock or what?

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I think she is going to kickass and take names. I have no doubt whatsoever that she loves America. Unlike Barack and company.




  1. Great choice, a young Alaskan woman. Hats off to McCain.

    But Obama choose wisely as well. An older, experienced man with knowledge of foreign affairs.

    I believe both candidates choose their VP's very wisely. Their running mates complement them nicely, by providing the skills or image that they lack.

  2. She's what this country needs!!

    Oh and yes she does ROCK!!

  3. YES YES YES!!!!

    Palin does rock!

  4. I think she's a great choice! Good for Mccain-a breath of fresh air-a republican who has a history of outting corrupt politicians is a fantastic pre-requisite as far as I'm concerned. I also wanted to comment on that 2nd answer you got-If Obama loved his country, he would pledge to the flag and salute his country-he doesn't. Wake up people-that should scare the heck out of you.    

  5. shes better than Obama for pres!

  6. She does not rock.

    And why do you say Obama doesn't love the country? Typical Racist bigotry.

  7. Battles are won or lost long before they are fought.

    I think the old warrior just landed the knock out blow.

    What a brilliant choice.

  8. no

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