
Does Sarah Palin want to kill polar bears?

by Guest58209  |  earlier

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  1. She's a complete tool.

    I can't believe that she'd let herself be used like that. Well, she's an idiot, so I guess I can believe it.

  2. The highly respected Republican Governor of California just released a statement that clears up McCain’s bizarre VP choice.

    He said

    “I distinctly advised John that thought that he should definitely pick Sarah Conner !”

    “And he misunderstood.”

  3. Hm. Now I know I'm not voting for McCain.

    Not just for the polar bears but for the environment too. She is not helping the environment!

  4. I wouldn't be surprised.  She is known to support big oil and other exploitive industries.

    I donate to a charity called Defenders of Wildlife and we have been fighting Sarah Palin to stop the aerial wolf hunt in Alaska (hunting wolves from small planes and helicopters).  She sides with the people doing the hunting.  

    She is a female McCain, that's for sure.  Also, with her in the House, they'll be able to get at the issue of Alaska's oil, which they have been trying to drill and exploit for years.

  5. Putting polar bears on the threatened list really has nothing to do with the bears welfare at all. It's just a way for radical environmentalist to push their socialist agenda of controlling the Alaskan resources and making sure the oil in Alaska never makes it to the the world market. Bears, owls whatever it's just a means to an end. Palin recognizes it for what it is, which is a way to lock up much needed resources and to stunt the economical growth of the state. She would be incompetent as governor if she did not challenge this. This really has nothing to do with bears at all so I would say no Palin doesn't want to kill Polar bears and she doesn't want them used in power grab by a liberal State dept.  

  6. That's ridiculous. Sarah Palin obviously makes use of what

    she lawfully hunts.  It's no different than anyone who eats

    meat or fish, wears leather shoes or belts or drives a car

    with leather seats.

  7. No..she is just opposed to fund saving them.  I know many people like that..they just don't care..but it does not mean she or they wish death upon them.  This is more of a political question.

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