
Does Sarah appeal to you? Or do you still like the guy with the mysterious past full of radicals & socialists?

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Does Sarah appeal to you? Or do you still like the guy with the mysterious past full of radicals & socialists?




  1. she turn me off completely

  2. Palin is a radical

  3. Sarah is an idiot!  You realize she is one good heart attack away from presidency if they get elected!  This whole election is a c**p chute!

  4. Sarah is great!  I was going to have trouble voting for McCain and wasnt sure I could pull the lever, but now I feel I might have something to vote for.  I think she will bring a lot of people out to the polls who have felt the way I do

  5. Sarah does not appeal to me, no. Gun-toting, "women-should-be-pregnant-and-barefoot-i... anti-environment neocons don't appeal to me.

    I'll take the guy who was the friend of BOTH radicals and normals, socialists and capitalists, conservatives and liberals. I'll take the guy willing to listen and treat the opposition with respect. I'll take the guy who is Harvard and Colombia educated and knows the law in and out. Thanks.

  6. I like Sarah.  She's real.  Obama's a jerk.

  7. I can see her appeal on a local level. Not in Wahington.  

  8. I have not been thrown into the groupthink that the Union media and Union Hollywood is promoting so they can have a Unionizer socialist Obama.  Remember "1984" by George Orwell - it's arrived.


  10. Sara is a corrupt politician who tried to use her position of trust to carry out a personal vedetta against a state trooper. Why would that appeal to me?

  11. The reps couldn't have picked a better VP!

    McCain/Palin 08!!!!

  12. she doesn't appeal to me at all.  i pretty much disagree with nearly everything she stands behind.

  13. indeed...

    people will have 2nd thoughts in the voting booth...they will go in thinking obama, but once they're about to pull that epiphany will occur and they will pull the lever for mccain.

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