
Does Satan control Hurricane Dean?

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A trusted friend of mine just emailed me this photo and it really made my heart skip a bit. Is the devil controlling Hurricane Dean for his own evil purposes? When I saw it I couldn't believe what I was seeing, the devil's own horned likeness in the swirling clouds. They blew it up so you could see it better. But it's an official NOAA photo. I get the chills just looking at it. Can the government now deny the involvement of the devil in natural disasters? I don't think so.




  1. You should send that pic to George Noorey (Coast to Coast --Art Bell's old show) and I guarantee he's dumb enough to fall for it hook line and sinker.

    He's a total moron, idiot ...etc.

  2. Looks more like a horned rhinoceros or a stegosaurus to me.  What do you see in the clouds?

  3. How can we humans decide what is the devil's work and what is not? We should just focus on obeying God where his will is clear. God bless.

  4. If that were done more smoothly then it might be funny.

  5. I took a paint bucket and poured on color and found that what you say is an image is not unique but only a small part of a cloud band that runs all the way from the left side of this photo to the right side.  While interesting, that would immediately tell any unbiased observer that our brain's powerful ability to recognize patterns is at work here and it may not be possible to attribute the cause of this pattern with any certainty to control.  That is why I say in my writings all the time that science needs to expand it's reach much more - there should be scientists who are working on formal explanations of this, but instead what we get are frightened manipulated understudies of political power and a few who are paid to dismiss anything as crazy or harmful that would lead people toward realism and away from the long established norm of elitism.

  6. But doesn't the buck stop with God?

  7. Dude ,,God is in control,,,not Satan.And furthermore,the popular descriptions of Satan are rediculously wrong.He was made in "the full pattern".He was a cheribum,and his ways were ferfect till iniquity was found in him.

  8. Keep taking the medication. You may need to double the dose. Consult your doctor.


  9. Wow, thats pretty funny. Of course this is making fun of all those people who claim they see faces in explosions, and the twin tower 9/11 photos.

    I like it, made me actually laugh......

  10. What could be more convincing then a photo?I suspected him all the time.

  11. Lol man that is photoshopped.

  12. Your trusted friend is 100% correct, Satan is controlling hurricane Dean! This picture is obviously the real thing. The government usually controls these things, but they didn't pass a constitutional amendment banning g*y marriage, so God let Satan have this one. Satan will use this evil cyclone to force Mexicans to cross our border illegally and look for work. Our only hope is to watch Christian music videos until our border fence is completed.

  13. Amazing what they can do with Photoshop these days.

  14. Why don't you forward it back to NOAA and see what they think?

  15. No, a man named St.John does.

  16. Dude, that is so obviously fake that you should be ashamed you fell for it.

  17. God certainly can't control Hurricane Dean. Otherwise it would be a gentle breeze.

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