
Does Saturn need a publicist?

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Poor old Saturn gets a bad rap, doesn't he? Tell me something good about your Saturn.

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Tell me about your Saturn by sign, house, and aspects. And have you experienced Saturn Return yet?





  1. Saturn is PUNK ROCK. he wears black. He is neither male nor female. He is strange and eccentric... he stays far away from others, he's f*in BADASS!

    Saturn is serious about life and death - not partying like an airhead with no point in life.

    Saturn gives logic.

    Saturn gives detachment from material things which are always destroyed and do nothing but cause pain in the end.

    Saturn's crystalline structure is the blue sapphire, which is connected to Krishna - who is the best.

    Saturn makes all the rest of the planet's tremble.

    Saturn is the son of the sun - - - i.e. the byproduct of light: shadow.

    Saturn is Yoga - the means of self-realization.

    Saturn is Shiva - the God of Destruction.


    My saturn is debilitated in Aries, my fourth vedic house. This creates a huge emotional need in me. Which has driven me to create 7 or 8 records of music and lots and lots and lots of written material. From there, Saturn aspects my first house, making detachment from materialism a part of my deep nature - and thus allowed me to practice the life of a hindu monk for eight years - by which I learned wisdom worth hundreds of lifetimes.


    Saturn return made me a complete emotional wreck. I cried for months - it felt like - during the 2.5 years of that transit. During Saturn's 45º transit of my natal moon ("sade sati") I dove into spirituality.

    Saturn has a huge spiritual and emotional effect on me.


    His bird is the Crow - that's d**n cool.


    Saturn is the final astrological planet - he is therefore our final experience: Death. He orbits slowly and far away from the other planets, and therefore creates the eccentricity and privacy that is a part of our nature. In it’s cold and lonely place, Saturn knows well the nature of life and death, happiness and sorrow. He therefore creates our abilities of logic, self-control, and detachment from frivolous distractions in life.


    Saturn is outcast from the rest of the planets and thus represents similar people - those who are outcast from society  and looked  down upon.

    Saturn is the hardest working planet, having to cover the most distance to get around the Sun... thus saturn is connected with labor and successful career.

  2. Saturn appreciation day, huh? lol

    Thank you, 11th house retrograde Saturn in Cancer, square 2nd house Pluto, focus of Yod. Without you, I would never have learned the value of a dollar, and furthermore would not have learned to be quite so self sufficient. Without you through my teenaged years, I likely would have ended up quite shallow and easily led, and considering all of the fire in my chart, might very well be dead due to some stupid stunt or another by now. What a pal you've been:-D

    Rah, Saturn!!! :-D

  3. Saturn aspects can be painfully difficult to go through. I have a different attitude about it than most persons do.

    I have Saturn in exact opposition to my Mercury. For college, I had to overcome a great mental block to understand higher mathematics. I had skated along in grade and high school on having a good memory, understanding science easily and making good grades with little effort.

    I've read that Mercury in Pisces is great for memory and creativity, and that Mercury opposition Saturn can be either an advantage or disadvantage, depending on the person.

    Out of high school, I decided to go into a scientific career and found that I needed a solid math background for prerequisites and for understanding everything in better detail. For the first time in my life, I had to actually put effort into studying. It was not easy, but I did it because overcoming the barrier mattered to me. In doing so, I found that the challenging subject was the one I would come to respect and love the most.

    Since that time, I've seen Saturn as a great benefactor if we heed the lesson we need to learn.

    To aspicco: My son also has Mars conjunction Saturn in Scorpio. What you said describes him quite well too.

  4. My Saturn is locked in an intercepted house. Its in Capricorn like most everyone my age. It doesn't function properly being intercepted and all. I need more structure.

  5. Saturn does need a spin doctor...

    After the elections, there should be some looking for work.

    I have so many Saturn placements that I am quite tired of him, quite frankly. Others with fewer ties to the Old Dude may have something nice to say and think he's groovy, but I am rather worn down by all of it and would take a long vacation from him if I could.

    Capricorn Sun, Venus, Merc.

    Saturn in Taurus in 2nd.

    Saturn in Ascendant, square Merc.

  6. Saturn doesn't need a publicist... people just need to grow up and be responsible... (I don't sound too much like a Capricorn, do I?)

    I had my Saturn Return ages ago. That's what made me an astrologer.

    I have Saturn & Mars conjunct in Scorpio... Once I decide to do something, get out of the way. It is getting done.

  7. My Saturn return was great!  I got a divorce and became FREE.  Awesome.

    Saturn is also good for things that need discipline.  Like dieting, studying for exams, spiritual exercises, training for the Olympics...!


    Saturn ain't so bad.

  8. Hi

    My first return Saturn Taurus in 7th opposed my Asc. All my affairs were going wrong and on top of that, had problems with elderly people, health issues (Neptune opp. Saturn), my job was shaky. My MC squared Saturn got me involved in some legal difficulties with property which I was about to purchase but had some delays and restrictions problems.

    I realized that Saturn passing over his natal position was still well aspected by the luminairies and was a good chance to gain through house, land etc.  

    Where was the f *** problem ? Saturn was part of my natal Grand Earth trine (land), my natal Sun and Moon trined Saturn which made me assume greater responsibility than before and offered me an opportunity to invest.

    I looked to my Ascendant with Neptune rising opposing Saturn. I realized that had to be used as an outlet to all this earth influence. I found Moon sextile Neptune and used the positive effect by relaxing my mind. It gave me insight and to know things that i wasn't aware of knowing.  My perception of reality was altered, sort of disoriented.  

    I waited till Saturn trined my natal Mercury - it was a good time to sign legal paper and make things permanent. I decided to change bank . The director was an old acquaintance through my dad and I got approval, I bought land and built a home.

    Hopefully, I will be better equipped when Mr. Saturn comes on his second return. It's not that he's bad. I properly overlooked some lesson he was trying to teach me.

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