
Does Scientology Believe In Evolution?

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Does Scientology Believe In Evolution?




  1. Our technology is all about the spiritual being.

    Evolution is all about the body line.  

    History of Man by L Ron Hubbard, in the public libraries, can give you the specifics on how the technology was used to track the history of the human body.  Note, this is not our history as spiritual beings.

    Careful, though. It's not your usual history book.

  2. Scientology discusses this in a number of places - but most notably in a book called Science of Survival. A theory called the Theta-MEST theory was put forward to explain how evolution might have occurred.

    But Scientology is not a person.  It's just information.  Scientologists might have differing views on this subject as unlike most other groups, we are allowed to have our own opinions.

  3. Scientology has nothing to do with science. It would be better called "Headupassintology"

  4. Yes we believe in evolution but we don't buy completely in natural selection, natural selection is a factor but nature's intelligent effort towards survival is the mayor factor in evolution.

    Nature will evolve in a intelligent way to seek survival, life is no accident.

    P.S. This is about organic life evolution. Man is a spiritual being not organic life.

  5. "Scientology: A New Slant on Life," states:

    It is often amusing to catch "science" out in its pompous parade of authority and gadgetry, and often amazing that some fields are not arrested for "false pretenses.”

    Amongst those present in this parade is the modern "biologist" with his modern "Man from Mud" theory. According to the professors in this "field," man is an animal who arose as a result of a spontaneous accident from a "sea of ammonia" and by the stages of development called "evolution," arrived at the proud estate of a two-legged wog. This is the theory taught as the theory in most universities today.

    The idea of an "accidental" "combination of chemicals" coming alive, in all places, in a "sea of ammonia" and then evolving into a thinking being of the complexity of man is more ridiculous than a Joe Miller joke book.

    Yet the bearded ones will viciously flunk a student who dares to disagree. Biology means "life science" and is nothing of the sort by its own practice. It is at best "cytology," a science dealing with body and vegetable cells as it is a subject entirely devoted to cells, not to life as everyone else thinks of it. So even its name is false.

    But about this "Man from Mud" theory, where did it come from? What great Einstein of biology burped it up?

    Why, no great Einstein of biology or psychology or psychiatry ever had any part in the origin of the "Man from MuC theory.

    Far from having come from "science" the "Man from Mud" theory was taken by these scientists from a body of religious demonology and foisted off on man as "modern thought," what you'd expect from fakes.

    What religious demonology? Why the Egyptian, of course. In the Larousse Encyclopaedia of Mythology, the standard work, we find in column 4 page 11 under "Divinities attached to the ennead of Heliopolis and the family of Osiris" the following paragraph:

    "Nun (or Nu) is chaos, the primordial ocean in which before the creation lay the germs of all things and all beings."

    These "scientific" pots who are calling everyone fakes, might have done a bit better than to try to foist off on the world mere religious superstition as the scientific basis on which all their whole "science" is laid. Man from mud?

    The only mud connected with man is the mud slung by pompous fakes trying, to defend the hopeless cause of keeping man in ignorance of the truth.

  6. Kind of. Once members pay enough money, they tell them that people evolved from clams.

  7. i would assume so, although it does not specify anything on that topic.

    I also still think that the whole religion is stupid. I mean, come on! Who the h**l is stupid enough to believe that millions of years ago there were aliens who looked like us and flew space ships that looked exactly like DC8 jets. Furthermore, most of these aliens were supposedly blown up from volcanoes detonated by h-bombs and in the form of their souls, forced to watch a mega-movie marathon which implanted false visions of other religions and then that these souls clung to the bodies of the living and still do, apart from scientologists.

    And to top it all off, L.Ron.Hubbard was a bloody fiction writer!!!!

    He made it up! I know it, you know it, south park knows it, he knows it and everybody in the whole world knows that it is a money-making scam and is absolute baloney!!!!

    Please tell me you are not one of those stupid super idiots!

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