
Does Scotland have any beaches on its coast ??

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This question will sound very odd to many Scottish peps but i dont think i have ever heard anyone talk about beaches in Scotland and i have never been there so i really have no clue :s

im just interested to know.




  1. Scotland is beautiful all over including the beaches, Scots don't boast about their country as they don't want it spoilt by outsiders especially us English [and who can blame them the way a lot of us behave]

  2. Fantastic white-sand beaches although usually not hot enough for prolonged sunbathing.

    Having said that, Scotland is the only place where my shoulders have blistered in the sun, and where I've gone swimming in a loch to try and cool down.

  3. Yes, Oh yes . There are wonderful beaches in Scotland

    .  I have seen lots of them but.........The very best are on Orkney.  White sand, miles of it, solitude and if it is a sunny day then,  blue sea that could rival the Caribbean!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I understand why you would ask though, if you have never been there.  Scotland has some wild rugged scenery and maybe one would expect the coastline to be the same.  In some places it is, but there are lovely beaches too.  Take a look at these pics.

  4. Think that question is odd to all peeps. We are an Island, of course there are beaches.

  5. Yes, but instead of sand tehy are covered in Porridge, and they have haggis and bag-pipes wash up on them all day.

  6. yes there are LOADS of beaches - why wouldn't there be IT''S AN ISLAND!!!!!!1

  7. Everywhere with a coastline has beaches.  Mainland Scotland is surrounded on 3 sides by the sea & then of course you have the myriad of inhabited islands we have here too.

    Here is a pic of a Scottish beach to get you started:

  8. Yes they have got some stunning beaches. Even Loch Lomond ( an inland, fresh water loch) has some nice beaches.

    Especially round the top, Caithness area. They do surfing up there.  Another famous beach is "Macrihanish, " on the Mull of Kintyre.

    Most of the Hebridean islands on the west coast have astonishingly beautiful beaches. All absolutely deserted, for miles.

    Only problem is, the sea temperature is rarely more that 4 degrees above freezing point... that's why the beaches are deserted...

  9. YES, Scotland has some fantastic beaches! Any country that is an island has a coast line, including Antarctica, not all have beaches admittedly, but I've never heard of land locked countries to have beaches unless there man made!

    So minicooper_1994 I think you need to either stop answering questions that are way above your intelligence level as is made clear by your answer to this question or buy yourself a world atlas!

  10. Yes absolutely stunning. You will need a wet suit if you want to swim of them because they were made for Eskimos

  11. Have you EVER heard of a country without a beach?

    (Dont say Antarctica)

  12. We don't call them beaches. We just call them "the shore". We have many, some cleaner than others

  13. Yes here's a list of the award winners.

    Weather though, may not be so good.

  14. Scotland...It is of course,  sea-girt country so yes of course there are beaches galore.

    But you have to be a pretty hardy soul to bathe or suntan on Scottish beaches.  It is a lovely country, but be prepared for a climate which is markedly colder than even its southern neighbour, England.

    There are lots of lochs which, while not possessing sandy beaches, have acres and acres of "shore-line".

    Enjoy your visit.

  15. Oh yes, Scotland has some beautiful beaches, especially on the west coast ... in my opinion that is the most beautiful scenery in the world ...

    There are also some gorgeous beaches beside some of the lochs ...

    You should visit some time and see for yourself, but in the meantime, have a look here ...

    Thanks for asking! :)

  16. Yes they do. Some are quite nice.

  17. Billy Connely tells a good story about his childhood visits to Aberdeen beach.

  18. yeah of course we do lol

  19. Yes we have lots of beautiful beaches, but there is no way I'm going in the sea!

  20. The most popular beaches that I have been to in Scotland are in St Andrews, Musselborough, Loch Lomand (several islands in Loch Lomand have big beaches and I have swum across between islands on Loch Lomand so it is not that cold; 14 degrees C)

    The most beautiful and deserted beaches are probably up north. Malaig, Tongue, etc.  White sandy beaches occur up north which are quite unusual.  

    There are some sandy beaches around loch Morlich in the Cairngorms.  The lakes, and lochs, tend to be warmer than the sea!  Right next to some low cost campsites....

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