
Does Sean Hannity hate Obama because he's liberal, because he's inexperienced, or just because he's black?

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Sorry, I usually watch O'Reilly, and Hannity just to see what the enemy's up to. And Hannity seems to have an unbridled hatred for Barack Obama, hey, Sarah Palin is inexperienced too, and McCain is fairly moderate on domestic issues, g*y mariage, abortion etc...which leaves only one other option....




  1. Hannity is a partisan robot.

  2. Why don't you ask Sean that?

  3. Sean Hannity is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. He's the least educated of the AM radio conservative talk show hosts and it shows.

  4. He hates him because he stole my freakin show that's why he hates him! The b*****d copies every little spin I make!!

    At least my twists and distortions are funny!

  5. Hannity is Irish, so the reason is because Obama is black.

  6. he hates him because he is told to do so...he is a tool

  7. He doesn't hate him just what he believes in.

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