
Does Sean Hannity prepare talking points for two different outcomes?

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I have never seen flip flop so fast in my life. The man seems to create two different ways to blame democrats for everything no matter what happens. Its like heads he wins, tales democrats lose.

Is this the type of politcal pornography that is dividing America, when pundits hate the other side so much that they don't worry about being truthful at all?




  1. Very good point.

    If Obama had an unmarried 17 year old daughter who was pregnant Hannity and the other n**i's would lay into her while saying Palin's daughter is "off limits". Their viewers/listeners aren't bright to identify contradictions or double standards.

    I have never once seen any of the Fox News n**i's criticize a Republican for something worth while. Every now and then they'll joke that McCain's tie didn't match his shoes or something. But they ignored Larry David selling g*y s*x at the air port, yet spent a two weeks talking about Hillary speaking in a southern accent at a rally.

  2. I agree with you. I find Sean to be an over-the-top character of the conservative base. It's so easy to challenge his views (talk points).

  3. sean hannity is a chickenhawk talking head that blames the democrats for everything, even when it's obvious that a republican is to blame.

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