
Does Selena Gomez have a little sister?

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  1. Selena gomez sister is Alexa Gomez but at school she is Cald Alexa Bertrand i have meet selena gomez and she told me that im not liying If you want Alexa Bertrand facebook you cab ask her Her facebook is Alexa Bertrand and her profile pic is her with her with dog and she has a green shirt Ask her and you will see believe me i m not liying:))

  2. Her sister is Alexa gomez but at school she is named Alexa Bertrand i have meet selena gomez belive me guys she does

  3. selena is an only child  and im not angry when i say this becaus i know for a fact she dosent have a sister in an arcticl they said selena has a sister  and that they are identcle but not fully identcle because one was pure evil so to find out they lisend to them sing and think that selena was the pure evil one so they sent her to diseny and hoped that they would kill her but they didnt and she became the face of  imagratoin and then many many many years later selenas sister came to america and found selena  but that is not true as selena even said her self that is not true.also in the story they said that they were peruvian but that is not true as selena is mexican italian and selena also said that it was her wax figure and she was posing next to it so this is way i belive selena is an only child tanx for reading

  4. Hi everyone!! Id like to get this anwser straight for once . Selena Has a Little sister, named Hannah. She is 11 years old

  5. The girl in the video dosen't even look related to selena gomez so I think she doesn't have one!

  6. no she is a only child!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Selena Gomez does have a sister and her sister is Alexa gomez or she calls her sister Alexa Bertrand!!!!!!!!

  8. she does have one because itsme im selenas real sister if u dont beleive to nbad im hannah and she  does

  9.  I have met her and she told me that she has no sister!! I kno her email,phone # too!!

  10. yes. her name is mia

  11. cant you guys understand that selena dose not have a sister so yah!

  12. idk and NO selena dose not have a little sister!

  13. yes

  14. oczywiście że nie ona jest jedynaczka!!!

  15. idk,i think she does thats just my opinion,yes she does

  16. yes selena does have a sister if you look in her pictures you can see that there is a girl with her and thats her little sister

  17. Yes she does she even has a video of her on youtube

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