
Does Senator McCain know how to stand up to the American people and admit he made a huge VP mistake?

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Sarah Palin is under investigation by media accounts and she needs time to clear her name before considering the office of Vice President.

This would be for the good of the RNC.




  1. Perhaps he didn't make a mistake. He pulled in 10 mil in a week after announcing her. She speaks to the extreme right wing in our country, stronger now than it has been in US history. She is a single issue thinker more focused on banning abortion than much of anything substantial, but this seems to be what America bases its vote on these days....Maybe she's not a bad choice. No one ever lost money betting against the good judgement of the American people.

    Also, he'd really look like a putz if he said he choose poorly.  

  2. McCain does not admit to mistakes. He changes his position, then claims  the new position always was his position, as though people can't look up his history.

    That's going to be hard to pull off here. He has no choice but to support her lest he appear disloyal. Unless she withdraws, there is no graceful way to get her out of there.  

  3. Once again the RNC has out smarted the democrats.  This was a brilliant move and what makes it so sweet (it is the move the democrats should have done).  She will make a great VP. If the media wants to discuss something and investigate...have them look into Obama.  Great pick Sen.McCain

  4. obviously the McCain camp does not feel any of these "investigations" will amount to anything or they wouldn't have chosen her as VP..  

  5. Who said it was a mistake?

    Let's See I hear the Media Complaining and Saying its a mistake?

    I hear the DNC/Democrats complaining that its a mistake?

    But every RNC/Republicans thinks is a perfect choice? So how can that be a mistake?

    Please Explain your Question Maybe this Republican just doesn't understand your question correctly?

  6. You're comment is rather vague and misleading. What is it thats supposed to be horrible about her? Post it in a list so that I read it more clearly.

  7. We saw his style of decision making.  What happens after this will be interesting. He might allow his famous bad temper to show if anyone suggests he made any mistake. What about their differences in their stated position on the issues that concern us?  What is the REAL platform they are running on as far as issues are concerned?

    He is stuck with Sarah Palin - unless the Republican party convinces her to withdraw.

  8. Great question!!!!!!! Star for that! This will go down as "The Great Palin Debacle". Thinking women would vote for an inexperienced woman just because she's a woman, and men would vote for a pretty young rifle toting woman was just plain stupid. I'm glad the American women are rejecting this. I guess drastic times called for drastic measures!

  9. That would be lying and that is Obama's specialty!

  10. i'm sure mccain did his research before choosing palin. what mistake are you talking about?

  11. "Maverick McCain?" h**l, he was to much of a wuss to stand up to the Fat Cat Republicans when they told him NO on Lieberman. . .

  12. A bit of advice is a good answer to this question. Don't believe the media and never trust them to formulate your opinion. It is better to research for yourself and find the candidate that fits with your moral and political views.


    Boycott the Media Conglomerates

  13. Sarah palin is being attacked because shes a woman!

    She isnt perfect but because shes a woman she is being picked at for every little inperfection!

    Sarah palin has 100x more experience and qualifications for PRESIDENCY than obama!

    Obama had virtually NO experience

    Obama supports abortion. And Obama supports killing children!

    LIVE/BORN children!

    They got all over palin because her husband used to drink. But nothing was said about how Obama is an ex- Drug user.

    Obama is putting on an act thats taking in the majority of the U,S

    You'll notice that Obama has refused to be put in ANY situation that any NORMAL AMERICAN CITIZEN could ask him questions he didn't have a prepared answer for

    Obama is going to hand over america to people to destroy it. Possibly even have it terrorised.

    He has a muslim backround

    and his wife and him are both RACISTS.

    These are not accusations. These are Facts.

    Mcain made the best move he possibly could have by chooseing Sarah  Palin For VP.

  14. I love his choice, if she gets arrested  its going to be the scandle of the year. But I'm sure bush is going to pardon her so she won't do any time. Crooks stick with croocks.

  15. Obama and Biden are under investigation too and it all will all come out real soon.

  16. The answer is no he doesn't. He will not admit the truth that he made a poor choice, because he knows he will loose for sure if he does.

    She absolutely needs to be cleared of these charges before we even consider making her the VP! What if the investigation prooves she did act unethically? Then it will be too late. Do republicans even care?

  17. Don't you know the Conservative's slogan:


    It will never happen

  18. they're taken odds in London and Vegas that he dumps her.

    You're right, she'll take down the whole party.

  19. are you scared ?

  20. Yes, McCain knows how to stand up to negative attacks; and no, he didn't make a mistake.

  21. No. And in an election like this, even admitting he made a mistake would be a bigger-yet mistake.

    There would be two interpretations. One, that McCain's judgment simply isn't to be trusted... after all, when a campaign vets a potential running mate, it's their job to know EVERYTHING there is to know about this person, and their folly if they s***w that up. As the Presidential candidate for the Republicans, this is ultimately McCain's responsibility, and he would look far worse if he backed down. The investigations were pretty much a well known thing before he selected her, too... only the daughter's pregnancy was, apparently, a surprise.

    The other interpretation would be worse yet for McCain... Palin is seen as an RNC outsider, at least in theory sympatico with McCain's views on government corruption (unlike most of the RNC, apparently) and a big boost to the right wing, since she's very far right of McCain on issues like women's rights, religion in politics, etc. Rousing the right will be critical for McCain to win.. he's already not favored by much of the D.C. based Republican core. She's not, either, and they're not happy about the fact he's selected someone with virtually no experience.. she ran a town of under 9,000 people for eight years, she's been at the job as governor (largely a ceremonial post in a state with a population smaller than many US cities) for less than two years.

    Soo... a retreat from her might well be signaled as a sign that McCain's strings are being pulled, at least assuming he made the decision for her in the first place. That would smack of even less actual leadership than the first senario... particularly given the doubts (and approval ratings) surrounding Bush, and who's really calling the shots in his White House.

    I'll admit.. I'm voting for the other guy. But the strategy is easy to see.. McCain absolutely can't dump her. If there's some dramatic push to get her out, SHE will withdraw. I wouldn't count on it, but that's the only way they could frame it and remove her from the ticket without hurting McCain.  

  22. Sarah Palin herself said on TV that she could not consider being on the McCain ticket because she doesn't even know what a Vice-President does.

  23. OBAMA!!!!!!!

  24. She too tough for yea?  Give it a break, she a winner that's going to put McCain in the White House.

  25. It will never happen, political suicide.

  26. Why is everyone so afraid of a women from Alaska??

    How about the media investigates Obama , maybe it might get rid of that tingly feeling the get after he gives a speech

  27. Does the DNC know how to stand up to the American people and admit they made a huge Presidential mistake.  Obama is under investigation for not being American born, being a Muslim, being a part of the Chicago Corrupt Dem Party, etc.  

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