
Does s*x Improve Your Skin?

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like pimples?

i heard it from my mums friend and i dont think i really believe it.

she said its from change of hormones??




  1. not doesnt make a different if you have s*x or not...

  2. No, if it did then why would all these prostitutes here in Las Vegas have horrible skin and pimples. . . .

  3. It could be that the physical friction of sexual intercourse serves to rub excess residue out of the pores of your skin...

    Or maybe not...

    I have it on good information that certain fluids resulting from o****m are good for the skin...

  4. if it does im gonna become a prostitute


    but seriously i have no idea

  5. like no........


    It's beneficial in lots of other ways, even with protection. Above is a slide.

  7. i heard the same thing like you have less stress or something...i've been abstinent for like a year...ans i've seen a difference!!!

  8. Definitely yes! Good load of sperm is awesome for you face skin!

  9. Try it often and you will feel so good that a few pimples won't matter.

  10. Well sweating out the c**p in your pores and washing it off soon after is great for your skin, that is why people who are fit usually have good skin. That and the extra effort they put into their whole body.

    Anyways, get it on, finish, then shower, or move it to the shower, which I like, then i dont have to wash the sheets, or scrub off the floor lol.

  11. I hope so!  I'll practice and then get back to you in a week.  lol!

  12. Yeah.

    It's also a great workout.

  13. exersice helps ur skin.

    s*x is exercise.

  14. to tell you the truth i have heard that too and i would like to know if its true. lots ppl told me it is but who knows.  

  15. Nope..

  16. haha thats a total myth but eating salmon is really good for it

  17. Maybe if you don't have too many different partners.... because prostitutes i heard tend to grow old faster and uglier

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