
Does Silent Hill really exist?? If so where is it??

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Does Silent Hill really exist?? If so where is it??




  1. DUDE UR A ******* DUMB ****

  2. In the Silent Hill 1 handbook, it states that Silent Hill is in New England and the pages are marked with Fleur de Li's. In Silent Hill 3, Heather is said to live in Portland which is in that area. The movie states the location as being in fictional Toluca County, West Virginia. Konami have not yet officially announced where it is. Although it is based on Centralia Pennsylvania.

  3. In researching the different elements of Silent Hill, screen writer Roger Avary was inspired when he heard of Centralia, Pennsylvania, and decided to base the film on it. The population of the town has dwindled from over 1,000 residents in 1981 to 12 in 2005[25] and 9 in 2007,[26] as a result of a 46-year-old mine fire burning beneath the borough.

    In 1962, an exposed vein of coal ignited, due to the standard policy of burning the garbage on a weekly basis in the borough landfill. Attempts to extinguish the fire were unsuccessful, and it continued to burn throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Adverse health effects were reported by several people due to the carbon monoxide produced.

    In 1984, Congress allocated more than $42 million for relocation efforts. Most of the residents accepted buyout offers and moved. Today a handful of occupied homes remain in Centralia. Most of the buildings have been razed, and at casual glance the area now appears to be a meadow with several paved streets through it, and some areas are being filled with new-growth forest.

  4. O.O

    Silent a game.  Which later became a film.  It exists in the same way that Nevernever Land exists, in your mind and imagination.

  5. what the heck? <<(some of the answers?) well im not sure, although i thought that it was based off a real town..but maybe im wrong

  6. The town of Silent Hill, sadly, does not exist. However, the inspiration for the town is alive and pathetically kicking.

    Centralia, Pennsylvania was the backbone of the story. There is a mine fire there, caused by dumping flaming garbage into an abandoned mine. This caught an exposed coal mine and started burning. The government spent, I think, around nine million dollars to put it out, but never did successfully. The gas started coming out of vents in the ground, and was deemed unsafe. This booming mining town, with a population in the thousands, dwindled down to around 10. Most of them are still living there today.

    Go onto Google Images. They've got some amazing pics of the place. If you're up for a treat, also search for Byberry Hospital. Creepy stuff.

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