
Does Snitsky deserve a #1 contender shot?

by Guest33453  |  earlier

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I think it is a travesty that The Great Khali is put over above Snitky. Granted, Snitsky might not be an awesome wrestler. But, dammit, he is alot more believable in that ring, than Khali is.




  1. I indeed agree with your statement. Khali wasn't here as long as Snitsky, yet he mid-cards 24/7. All because they want Khali to "feel" better.

  2. Although I can see your point, I feel both should be released.

  3. No, Snitsky Doesn't, But The Reason That I Think That Is Because It Ruins The Credibility of the title, to be fair, Snitsky is a heck of a lot better than khali, but still, i would rather have them have people like jeff and batista going after it than any of them. i think that it was a bad idea to have khali get a chanc3 at it, but we souldnt show sympathy to snitsky, for it, i think that we should just move on.

  4. yes Snitsky does deserve a #1contender shot

  5. Yeah he's been on the roster for a few years and they haven't really done much with him lately. His in ring work is much better than the Great Khali's and his promos are decent. I think he deserves a #1 contender shot.

  6. Yes, when is the last time he has had one? Has he ever had one, if so how long ago was it?  I think he deserves a title shot.

  7. Snitsky, is a decent wrestler for his size. He, may not have as many fans as Khali but i think he is misused by WWE. One BIG mistake was changing his gimmick. People enjoyed snitsky's foot fettish gimmick way better. He may not be marketable, but for a 6'7 300 pounder he can wrestle pretty good. Snitsky has also had his moments:

    also, People need to see Snitsky in other promotions:

    OVERALL: Khali, is the more logical choice, because of his big fanbase in India.


  9. I'm all for talented wrestlers getting more screentime than flashy ones.

    but theres something to be said for screen presence as well.

    As much of a lame duck KALI is, he's still more awesome to look at being over 7 feet tall. Than SNitsky.

    Snitsky cant wrestle well, Snitsky isn't much too look at. and he doesn't do promos. The best he could ever hope for is a poorly written comedy bit on the WWE.

    And now whenever he shows up anywhere. The crows immediately start chanting brush your teeth. He will NEVER get 1# contendership.

    Mike Knox from ECW is another story. He's the good kind of Ugly. His body has some definition to it. And he has decent mic skills. He has a good future within the company if given a chance.

  10. no..because khali draws indian viewers,snitsky draws nobody

  11. yea i think so too

  12. Sure, when was the last time he had a title shot?Plus he does have a few good moves and is pretty strong.

    But I'm sending him a toothbrush *shudder*

  13. they both shouldnt. they both bore me to death

  14. i wouldnt care if they made his teeth better he could be the next Kane but lets start off with the IC Title first ok because i wanna see Santino SHoot a Promo about him lol

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