
Does Snooker need that annoying Referee??

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Especially that scotch woman, she really gets my goat/sheep up, isnt it. Your thoughts please.




  1. Yes this is to ensure fair play and to act as a non biased person to say whither it was a foul or a free ball.  Also when the ball needs cleaning to ensure a clean contact if it was left to the players they may swap the ball or place it in a position which benefits them.

    It is the same with all sports they are there to ensure no player can call another player a cheat.

  2. Yes - to referee,keep score, put the balls back on their spots,re-rack after frames.  The matches you see on the telly are hardly local snooker hall matches where the players do all the above themselves.

    The scottish one is a little easier on the eye then Mr Van der Hass (?).

  3. It makes it look like "Snooker" is actually a sport.

  4. obviously snooker needs a referee, most sports do. this question is a bit redundant. but as for "that scotch woman", i assume you're talking about micheala tabb, who in my opinion is one of the better snooker referees out there at the moment. i quite like her.

  5. Of course you need a ref in the professional arena. & why not have a woman do it they are just as capable.

  6. i think she is good, taffy is it mainly cause she is a woman, i would say that's sexism, by the way my husband thinks she's good, he said she makes some good decisions

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