
Does Society Penalize Success and Reward Failure?

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Do you know any examples of people who are penalized for succeeding or rewarded for failing?




  1. Society must first be in a posistion to recognize and affirm certain accepted truths. Predominate affirmations must be questioned as to why they exist. Time has a way to inject common sense into the -------conversation about the reality of our current sediments. To project old arguments into the current stream of sediments is akin to the desperation of old being revisited on those who occupy graves not of thier choosing.

  2. No, it demonizes poverty and raises its glass to toast immoral and unethical behavior as long as money is made off of it.

    Paying people paltry wages is all it takes to make a millionaire - what is admirable about that?

    And WHY in h**l is Exxon getting billions of tax dollars when it is the most profitable business on the face of the Earth? EVER IN HUMAN HISTORY?

  3. No I do not.

  4. There are too many examples to list!  Only in America is it BAD to make more than $250,000 a year because CLEARLY you must have lied or cheated or scrooged somebody over to get to where you're at.  And CLEARLY you need to pay your fair share.

    In actuality, the top 20% of income earners in this country account for over 80% of the tax revenue paid.  Liberals and democrats like to talk tough about how the little guy is getting scrooged, but how is that possible if they get a full refund at the end of the year?  In America the more you make the more you get taxed.  And it's amazing to me that people actually want to vote in candidates that think you should be paying even more.  

  5. Well we have to make sure corporations do not get bigger then our peoples government because we have no oversight over corporations but we have oversight over government that is the reasons why you pay more taxes as your income grows to 6 digits.  

  6. yes,that's the liberal way! obamas whole plan is based on this analogy!

  7. Well, your question sure brought out the defenders of the rich.  I feel honored to be in the company of so many millionaires.  If you're question is about U.S. society and success is defined as material and financial wealth, I'd say no.  J.P. Morgan said that a reasonable ratio of executive to average worker pay would be 20:1.  Japan's is 10:1, Germany 11:1, France 16:1, U.K. 25:1, Brazil (next highest to the U.S. in executive pay) 57:1, U.S. 531:1.  You may want to Google Lawrence W. Britt's "14 identifying characteristics of fascism".  What we currently have in the U.S. is a fascist kleptocracy which can't and won't last.

  8. YES. I am the perfect example. I work 60 hours a week, built a business from scratch, and my taxes are insane. Those of you trying to get ahead in NY State know exactly what I am talking about. At some point, I am going to have to leave. The candidates who like to use terms like "they are not paying their fair share" are flat out lying to you. The top 5% pay most of the taxes now, and they know it. They just don't care.

  9. Only Socialist societies.

  10. Which society?

    China? The USA? Canada? Germany? Nigeria? India? Iran?

    There isn't a single philosophy of government, or set of rules that everyone operates by.  Different nations have very different approaches- even some STATES have tax laws than are as different as night and day.

    The one universal truth seems to be  "People rise to their own level of incomptence".  This holds true in communist countries, democracies, dictatorships and the Vatican.  Worthless bureaucrats seem to be the fundamental building blocks of large organizations- government, religious and civilian.

    Subsidies for certain crops and paying farmers to destroy others certainly rewards failure.  Inordinately high tarriffs on some goods penalizes success, but it's not that simple.  In a global economy, nations are competing for business on some very uneven playing fields so pragmatism prevails over economic ideology.  The simple fact remains- if companies can make a product in the Phillipines for 20% of the cost of making it in Mexico, it's "hasta la vista, baby" to those jobs.


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