
Does South Park get it right regarding global warming?

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I know all of you global warming worshipers will say it's only a cartoon, which is true, but this is funny, I don't care who you are.




  1. That's about the most ridiculous thing I  have ever seen , But it was funny heheheh,, Global Warming is without a doubt the biggest bunch of bull ever pushed by the tree huggers of the world , the FACT is we the human population of the world only occupy a fraction of a fraction of area on this big blue ball , besides multiple global thermonuclear detonations we have NO impact on the planets atmosphere , every 10.000 yrs or so the planet changes , that's a natural event , we sadly are living in the time period where a global change is very likely ,now I'm not saying that going green isn't prudent thing to do , I like fresh air , I like clean water, I like to go for a swim in an ocean full of marine life, but as far as mankind hurting ozone layers ,, that's HOGWASH !!! , solar radiation does more damage daily than we could ever do in 100.000 lifetimes ,, just think of this,, if you gathered up everyone on the planet standing side by side back to back we would all fit in the state of Florida ,, pretty amassing ha ? what could we do to damage the upper atmosphere ? just not enough of us to make that kind of an impact,,

  2. i completely agree, they hit it exactly right.

    i don't believe in global warming personally,

    people make such a big deal of it when in wisconsin, where i live, temperatures have just hit 80 in the past 2 weeks, during the time when the temperature is usually far above 80.

    whatever, global warming when temperatures really are'nt much above what they usually are. i say global cooling.


  3. hahaa thats great.

    and yeah they have it right , people are running arround frantic , and well... nothings happend !

  4. Southpark-- is just a funny TV show--- a bit disrespectful but funny!

    In about another 10-15 years when the satellite data is a little longer and it continues to report higher temps (right now it does not) I will switch sides --- I do not believe the ground data as the data stations are corrupted by urban growth-- and the 70% ocean areas have too few data points.

  5. i love southpark

    but i have never seen that episode

    looked dumb

  6. youtube blocked on my computer, at work.  i am sure its funny.  i like tap's answer, seems to be very wise.

  7. Taco flava kissies :D

  8. It is funny, but no, they don't get it right.  Scientists do.

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

  9. Noo

  10. Good one!

  11. It was just making fun of AGW paranoia, had nothing at all to do with the science behind it.

    emily: there's a difference between weather and climate

  12. Yeah there's a difference between weather and climate.

    When it's warm they say it's climate.

    When it's cold they say it's weather.

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