
Does Spainards like Tortillas?

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I was just wondering if they even sold them in Spain I myself am open to alot of international foods I mean you have to in every culture their is always a delicious dish. I was just wonderind if Spain imports Tortillas?




  1. how confused has everyone got with this question :-)

    tortilla chips (like they eat in mexico, like tacos,nachos etc...) yes they do eat them in spain and they are nice....

    tortilla (omelette with potatoe)...yes they also eat this in spain as it is a spanish dish.

    i think you are on about the 1st kind.

    no i dont think they import them, as they can be made very easily pretty much anywhere!

    :-), nice question to confuse everyone though!

  2. No,  they can make them there. No need to import.

  3. Im not sure if they import them but i have a spaniard freind and he liked tortillas so much he gained weight when he came to America from all the eating of tacos

  4. Spaniards love things!

  5. Spanish people use tortillas also.

    P.S. Check your spelling. It's 'Spaniards'

    'Do Spaniards like tortillas' is the correct way of asking!

    Vaya con dios!

  6. Tortilla is a very popular food in Spain but that doesn't mean that all Spaniards like it.  I highly doubt that tortillas are imported, but I do know that they are not that hard to make.   You can make it yourself...It's easy!

    Here is the recipe:  


    6  potatoes, peeled

    1/2  onion, chopped

    6  eggs  

    olive oil (enough to cover potatoes)  


    How to prepare:

    Slice potatoes thinly.

    Add olive oil to a deep 10" frying pan, add potatoes,and red or white chopped onions.

    Make sure there is enough oil to cover potatoes.

    Saute uncovered until the potatoes are soft, but not brown.

    Drain oil.

    Save a couple tablespoons, discard the rest.

    A little before the potatoes are cooked, mix the eggs.

    When potatoes are cooked and drained, add them to the eggs mixture.

    Let sit for 10-15 minutes.

    Season mixture with a bit of salt.

    Heat a 10" non-stick frying and add the two tablespoons of olive oil.

    Add the potato and egg mixture and cook on low heat until the egg is set (fork will come out clean if inserted).

    Flip the tortilla using the lid of a large pan: Place lid over the frying pan; turn pan over; slide the tortilla cooked side up back onto the frying pan to finish cooking, just a couple of minutes longer.

    Remove from heat and let tortilla rest for 15 minutes before serving.

    May be served warm or at room temperature.

    Serve in pie like slices or cut into cubes if serving it to a larger crowd.

    Note: rather than flipping the tortilla you can cook on top of the stove until the egg is set on the bottom and then transfer the pan to a 400 degree oven to finish.

  7. Spanish tortillas (with potatoes) are ..... Delicious!!!

  8. Just in Spain and did not see tortillas anywhere.  They have a dish called tortilla but it is made with egg and potatoe and served on a baguette.

  9. no. strictly mex dish that spread to us.

  10. I think your version of tortilla is different.  spanish tortillas are basically like omlettes.  They have egg and potato and sometimes other ingredients like veg. they are quite think and delicious. that's where real tortilla comes from.  They don't import them they are a typical dish all over spain

  11. Tortillas is the Spanish for omelette.... a tortilla francesa is a normal egg omelette with nothing else, tortilla española is an omelette with potatoes and onions.  Do the Spanish like them?  I lived with a Spanish lad and his parents for a couple of years (from Barcelona) and they didn't have tortilla once in those two years!!  It's basically a leftover dish, if you've got leftovers potatoes, make a tortilla.  If you're referring to tortilla chips, I think they're mainly Mexican but yes, we can buy Doritos here!

  12. how the h**l should i know, i aint s spainard, sounds like c**p though. : }

  13. no they hand make them

    yes they like them so do mexicans

  14. Hi, well I imagine some do and some do not. In general though, I think we do. I am spanish and I like them very much.

    Also I assume that you mean mexican tortillas.

    In Spain a tortilla is just a plain omelet, beaten eggs fried on vey little oil oil and given certain shape.

    We have:

    Tortilla francesa, or plain omellete, beaten eggs fried with baguete shape

    Tortilla de patatas, beaten eggs with fried round potatoes slices

    Tortilla campera, beaten eggs with chorizo and jamón

    Tortilla de Santa Barbara, beaten eggs with croutons inside

    Tortilla de queso,  beaten eggs with chese inside etc.

    Tortilla Vegtariana, beaten eggs with vegetables and many other tortillas, with local products inside that usually are denominated with the name of the region, village or location.

    Generally in Spain, except the tortilla francesa, we give our tortillas a round shape and hence although tortilla is a plain omellete if you give it an elongated shape we call it tortilla francesa.

    What American and Anglo Saxons in general call tortillas, we call, and differentiate into, tacos, burritos, pañuelitos or tortitas de maiz. This are of Mexican origin and you can buy them almost everywhere in Spain. They are not imported but locally produced and are eaten on Mexican restaurants or bought at the local shop and prepeared not necessarily exactly as mexicans do. For example I dont like to cook or heat the mexican tortilla, I just fill it with different products, vegetables and meats, roll it up, and eat it, ¡Ummm, que rico!

    Hope it helped


  15. Don't confuse Spain and Mexico. There are Mexican restaurants in Spain but they are few and far between. Spanish and Mexican tortillas are totally different.

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