
Does Spaying Your Rabbit Change It's Personality?

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I have female rabbit quite young about 5 mouths old.

I was planning to get her vacinated for rabbit snuffles and other common rabbit infections and i also wanted her to get spayed to prevent uterine cancer. but i was wondering does spaying change your rabbits personality.

My rabbit has a very friendly happy nature and I would not like that to change.





  1. wouldn't yours?


    I think it does, but it's usually not too drastic... When you go to get her spayed, ask the vet that's doing the surgery, they'll know

  2. he clearly knows nothing-you can't cut a p***s off a female can you!! they will actually be much happier once spayed, as it reduces their sexual instincts, therefore they are less frustrated. Also, as you say, she will live a longer life because of it


  3. No, not unless they are extremely hormonal and attacking or biting. Then it calms them down.

    It won't make them unfriendly.


  4. Actually spaying can help to calm them down. One of the reasons for spaying is so that they won't get the kind of cancers they could get in their sexual organs otherwise, and also if they are a really excitable, skittish rabbit, then it can really help to calm them down. They won't always want to mate.

    Rabbits are in heat 24/7. And if they happen to not be on those few days of the month where that is possible, just seeing a male will get them right back into heat. So once your girl gets older it might be a good idea to get her spayed so she won't sometimes go crazy because of wanting to mate.

    If anything she will get even friendlier. And if she doesn't well it definitely won't make her any worse!

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