
Does St. Johns Wort (Herbal Remedy for Depression) work, and where can I purchase it?

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I'm 15, and can not order it online.




  1. St. John's Wort is a mood enhancer, which works pretty well on people with mild depression. I also recommend Rhodiola Rosea; it works not only as a mood enhancer but also a brain nutrient. You can buy both of these herbal remedies over the counter at any pharmacy.

  2. I use St Johns Wart and L-Glutamine. They work fine, but you are only 15. See your doctor first.

  3. Health food stores. The other person who commented on your height and weight was right. Even if you are fifteen you can see a nutritionist ( find someone who knows vitamins like though your local health magazines at your health food store. You can find a professional who can really direct you, and for one visit, it will be worth it.) Folic acid is also a vitamin supplement that helps with depression. Also the more trace minerals you can get in your diet will also help boost your mood. ( Yes, I am talking about dark green leafy veggies, but if it makes you feel better it is worth it.) The other things I can suggest for depression, is take walks in nature. The oxygenation will help flush toxins out of your body with the mild exercise, and the higher energy of nature will also help. Also with depression, there can be a lot of stagnation in the body ( old junk food, poor diet etc) So drink lots of fresh water each day to help your body flush any junk out of your body.  I wish I could say there is an alternative medicine "magic pill" for depression, but I have not found it. The best thing you can do is balance your diet, eat healthy, keep your blood sugar even with enough protein and veggies ( also contributes to depression when we don't eat right), exercise, and basic good vitamins. You may find that by finding your own health balance, you can overcome the sadness.

  4. Pharmacies or health food stores, and yes it should take the edge off.

  5. I've never personally taken it but know quite a few people who have.  They said that it works great.  You can buy it at your local drug store, pharmacy, or Walmart.

  6. You can purchse it at walmart. From personal experience, it doesnt get you out of depression, but it can heighten you mood. It helps with your memory as well. I ended up having to take celexa. If you are only 15, i really suggest you go to the odctors, and discuss it with them. I was depressed from age 13 until now at age 23 becuase i never talked to my doc. Once i did and was meidcated, i am finally out of my depression. Depression can get worse with time, and can  make those around you sad, and depressed as well. And i am sure you know it can mess with your grades.

  7. St. John's Wort works for most people for benefiting mental health and emotional well-being, but typically, it's only available in adult doses. I'm not sure what kind of body frame you have (height, weight, etc), so I don't know if it would be appropriate for your size... you might want to ask a natural doctor first to be on the safe side.

    That being said, most all health food stores sell it and many drug stores have it as well.

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