
Does Stewart/Haas Racing Team drive Chevy?

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Does Stewart/Haas Racing Team drive Chevy?




  1. YES MA'AM

  2. that is like 90% of the reason tony left gibbs.

  3. Yeppers!!!

    Smoke back in a Chevy..yeayippeekayo!!!!

    2009 will be interesting at least with Smoke and his new Chevy Team, hope to stir things up a notch..wtg

  4. Yep, you can trust and believe that one!

    Go Jr.>>>>

  5. Yup they will...which Stewart likes, TOYOTA wasn't his style.

    Sayonara Hamlin and Busch!

  6. YEP!

    And I also think that his engines will be from Hendrick Motorsports too..........but i'm not positive

  7. yes, that is the main reason, Stewart is leaving Gibbs is because Haas drives Chevys. I think it pains Stewart to

    have to drive a Toyota this year. He loves Chevys.

  8. yes, and chevy was a big part of the decision - not just "emotionally" for tony returning to chevy, where tony gets all of his usac and sprint cars, but financially. there were rumors that chevy was a big part of "buying tony" out of his contract with gibbs, which some people estimate cost on the order of $17 million. although chevy denies giving tony any more special treatment than any of their other owners, they also recognize what a great spokesman for chevy tony is - he appeals to the chevy buying crowd and has always been known as a chevy man.

    not only is he returning to chevrolet, but to hendrick powered and hendrick built chevrolets, as haas uses hendrick engines and chassis. this article alone tells about how much chevy is happy to have tony back - including $15 million spent somewhere:

  9. Yes, currently Haas CNC gets its engines and chasis from Hendrick Motorsports and I believe Tony will continue that relationship with Rick when he becomes an owner there after this season.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  10. YEAH! Stewart went back to Chevrolet! Now I can finally be a Smoke fan again.....

  11. Yes.

  12. Yes. That was one of the main priorities of Stewart when he made this deal.

  13. Yes...(I thought it wasn't even a question that they were going to use Chevrolet). On Friday he unveiled the Office Depot & Old Spice #14 Chevrolet paint schemes that he'll use next season.

  14. affirmative.

  15. Yes, they'll drive Chevrolet's.

  16. Yup !

  17. yes.

    that was one of the big things Tony was looking at when he decided on where he was going.

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