
Does Stregharia have a base location?

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I've been doing some research on Wicca and joined a website called "Magicka School" which gives me courses in different things about magick. I was going to find information about Stregharia (Italian Witchcraft) for the research project, but cannot find if it has a base location or not. If it does, where is it? If not, where are the majority of Stregharia followers located? I would assume Italy, but I can find next to no information about Stregharia. Please help!





  2. i agree with the others.  Strega is indigenous to Italy, and any "how-to" book about it should be considered highly suspect.  It also has nothing to do with Wicca, regardless of what certain authors might claim.

    Also, run, don't walk, from Aradia, Gospel fo the Witches.  If you're not familiar with it, so much the better.

  3. Stregharia is an indigenous and mostly hereditary branch of witchcraft,any information publicly available is most likely bogus

  4. stevian1 is correct.  I have immense respect for the late Dr. Leo Martello, who was a Family Trad witch.  I have less respect for Leland's Aradia, the Gospel of the Witches which one may kindly say is probably a forgery foisted off on a gullible 19th Century American.

    Most  Stregharia followers are no doubt located where they live.  Being Italian they almost certainly regard their teachings the same way most Italians regard their recipes.  I may not discuss why I believe that pretty strongly.  I have no permission to.

    There may be base locations for specific Family Trads but not for Stregharia.  It's too personal and family oriented for that.

  5. I think the problem you're having is that you have the wrong spelling.  Use this spelling instead:  Stregheria

    Use this and you'll find a lot on the Internet.

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