
Does SugarFree Red Bull Speed Up Your Metabolism???

by Guest34302  |  earlier

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I was wondering if the sugar free red bull speeds up your metabolism...i like to drink it for energy but i was also wondering if it helps speed it up...i know even if the regular ones sped up your metabolism it wouldnt rle matter becasue it is so high in sugar but my question is if you drink a redbull a day and eat pretty well would the sugar free red bull help aid a quciker metabolism???

i also like to drink the low carb monster




  1. Yes it contains about 3 cups of coffee worth of caffine, its dangerously high to drink daily. A temporary fix with a large let down leaving you feeling wrose than before obviously.

  2. It does NOTHING for your metabolism, especially the regular ones.

    High does of caffeine makes things worse.

  3. energy drinks do NOTHING for metabolism.

  4. I am addicted to sugar free Red Bull. I wish they sold it by the gallon.  I think it speeds up everything a cig and red bull for breakfast and lunch is the way to go! (not if you care about being super healthy though)

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