
Does Sunburn Always Turn Into A Tan?

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Im Fair Skinned and blonde, but my mum wont let me use fake tan, or sunbeds or anything, i live in england so i dont get much sun, but when we do i get sunburn, sometimes it turns into a tan, but not much of one, how can i guarrente that it will always turn into a golden brown tan?




  1. it doesn't always, but if you lay in the sun for a little bit each day, u'll gradually get tan

    btw you can still get a tan if its cloudy out

    trust me

  2. Nope. If that was true i would be reeeaally tan right now. But im very pale. I like my skin color, and i don't see the point in trying to get a tan if it's not going to naturally happen. Sometimes when people do that it looks weird.

  3. It usually does for me

  4. In short, maybe.  Here is the reality, constant exposure over a period of time will result in a tan in most people.  A sunburn is damage to the skin, and if it is NOT severe it may just cool down and leave you with a tan ( and the potential for skin cancer), it may if severe enough leave you with actual water blisters and they are no joke.  Any burn is a chance for an infection to enter the body, and I have seen some really bad cases of sunburn.  In the real bad ones, between blisters and scabs that followed, there was no tanning, but it did leave scars.

  5. no

  6. No, it never does, you are burned, end of story

  7. NO! Don't belive tat fokelore!  

  8. I don't think it does on a fair skinned but I have a skin tone( light brown)& I burn only the first time in sun & slightly but after that, I get a nice all over tan & I usually go to pool without my girlfriend cause she is fair skinned & burns easily but she goes just for an hour & sits underneath the trees that surround the fence in the pool area.  I don't care myself for the self tanning salons either.  I ain't paying to sit in an self tanning bed & it's too costly for me & my suntan each year cost me about $9 a year(price of 1 suntan oil SBF6 & a lotion of the same #)

  9. No not always. But you can increase your chances by keeping your skin moisturized. Good Luck. Happy Tanning;-)

  10. mine usually does.

  11. no, it turns into skin cancer [ :

  12. well you are not in the sun a lot and your pale, im exactly the same

    i get burned easily but i always go back pale like one or two days after, so best bet is your not going to stay tan unless your in the sun ALL the time.

    and another suggestion is that you dont get fake tan because they look horrible and orange and so obvious

  13. i always tan no matter how burnt i get but not everyone does.  being fair skinned means you burn easier and less likely to tan.  you would have to do it gradually like 20-30 minutes max at a time like every other day.  however living in the UK you don't get much sun :(

  14. no! not always!

    Sun burns are a sign of the sun defeating your skin and permanently damaging it.

    The only way to guarantee a tan and not a burn is SPF!

    SPF slows down the rays from absorbing into your skin. When they absorb too much too quickly it mutates the cell causing a burn! If you can slow it down and have it absorb normally you will tan beautifully!

    Remeber its not a TAN that causes damage/cancer its BURNING and OVER EXPOSURE!

    Remeber skin must be moist to tan so wear your SPF!!  

  15. it always does for me

  16. Sunburn is a serious issue. It damages the deep fibers of your skin, may trigger skin cancer and will for sure make your age faster (in the bad wrinkly way, not in the looking more grown-up way). You can also develop sun allergies which cover your skin with itchy blisters that look all but attractive. Sorry for the bad news. A healthy and effective but unfortunately expensive way is body make-up from brands like MAC. Don't go darker than 2-3 shades to your skin-tone and stay within your basic color range or you'll look like you're trying to disiguise as a native american, silly and unflattering...:-)

    Let a pro help you chose the right shade and you it will make your face, cleavage, arms and limps look naturally sun kissed and make you look fresh. It's waterproof, easy to apply and doesn't stain. But pricey to start, though you'll have enough for a year with one bottle well used. Good luck

  17. Not always ;[

  18. Try to talk to your mom about what I am going to tell you. Your best bet is to use a gradual tanning moisturizing lotion. Exfoliate your skin first and use it daily until you get the tan you want then continue using it occasionally to keep tan. Be careful of ankles, knees, elbows. They make one for the face as well. I use it myself and I am dark naturally but do not want to tan. I am afraid of the sun because of cancer in my family. You are the most at risk because of your fair skin and blond hair. My daughter is blond, fair and blue eyed. I use to have tanning beds is my salon, we sold them. I have a pool at my home, I use it in the evening. Be careful with your skin and stay young looking and cancer free! You are right though a little color makes most people look healthier.

  19. don't use tanning beds, they are so dangerous

    i'm also fairskinned, but i try to embrace it

    just buy some tanning cream (jergens works really good) and hide it somewhere your mom won't look. you could even keep it at a friends house, that way there's no chance the your mom will find it.

    happy fake tanning!

    (no tanning beds! remember that!)

  20. Yeah it peels into a tan!!

  21. no sometimes it develops into a cancerous tumour...

  22. there's no way to guarentee it, really. that's just your skin type. but if you use a lot of lotion it will help it to turn into a tan.  

  23. no not always some times but not always

  24. Use some Aloe Vera after,

    It should work.

  25. You can't ever guarantee that it will turn into a tan.  Getting sun burnt (even if it turns into a tan) is very bad for you and it's impossible to make it turn into a tan or know if it will.

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