
Does TLC Baby Story p**s you off with all the c sections?

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I saw the episode today where you could tell the doctor had plans that evening and gave the lame excuse that the baby was too big and she wasn't going progress only after an hour of being induced! They show too many c sections and not enough home/natural births. Women are being brainwashed into thinking their bodies can't handle childbirth (with pain!)

We are ttc and I chose to learn a lot about the whole process and it's said that ob's really are just surgens and they only get to practice that when they do a section. Some doctors really would just rather skip the natural process that may take a little while and get you done in 20 minutes! I think every pregnant woman should have to watch The Business of Being Born. IT's a huge eye opener!




  1. You are right.

    Many OBs would rather cut you open than take the time (sometimes two days) to deliver your baby naturally.

    Luckily, you can decline to have your OB present, if need be (say they are on call or cannot be there for whatever reason).

    I had a resident deliver my princess and my OB couldn't be there.

    He tried to induce to get the baby out faster, but I told him that I didn't care if he delivered her or not.

    The stress was off him and we could relax and just have a baby the way we preferred.

  2. it is not tlc fault it is eager dr and passive patient

  3. You know your right its horrible especially when your at the verge of getting one.

  4. its the almighty dollar..

  5. ya i agree with you!! its sad huh! and the thing is, back in the days when our grandparents had babies they just had to deal with it and they got through ya know....i think doctors are selfish most of the time!! ive seen it first hand working in a hospital! and  after one c-section they usually wont ever let you have natural birth again so it really screws the woman over!!

  6. I have only seen maybe 2 that I questioned in regards to the c-section.  Most of the ones I watched there were good reasons for it.  I know i watched a couple that were done because of high bloodpressure affecting the baby, one was a cord around the babies neck, one was because she had already had a c-section and they didn't want to risk trying natural, one was because of a pelvic disorder that made it so even a small baby wouldn't go through right.  Can't remember them all but I know I did see one that they did the c-section because the mom was afraid of labor and delivery and had a panic attack when she went into labor so they did put her under and did the c-section.  I have seen many though in the last two years with homebirths as well as many that were inductions after the duedate and natural delivery.  I have seen a variety on there since I started watching before my first son was born, I think I started watching about 9 years ago.  I am also loving how many episodes I have seen where they are trying to breastfeed and everything.  

  7. Its all about the cash and the convienience.  I think that dr.s need to take a look at the high csection rate in North America.  The natural number should be between 5 and 10%.  Not 25 to 30%

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